U.S. Department of Justice

Healing Invisible Wounds: Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Aug. 30, 2010

Library ID

  • 024619


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  • 2010
  • 15 pages.

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  • Healing Invisible Wounds: Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense

ANNOTATION: The need to fund services for juveniles affected by traumatic events is explained. Topics discussed include traumatic experiences affect on brain development in children; traumatic brain injury and juvenile justice; children are rarely screened for trauma, especially in the juvenile justice system; children who experience trauma have disproportionate contact with the justice system; the current juvenile justice system does not meet the needs of youth who have experienced trauma; incarceration itself can be traumatic; and youth who spend time in juvenile facilities have poorer outcomes than youth who stay in the community.

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