U.S. Department of Justice

Suitability of Assessment Instruments for Delinquent Girls

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jun. 12, 2010

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ANNOTATION: Individuals tasked with (or others just interested in) implementing an effective screening process for juvenile females need to read this bulletin. “The purpose of this report is to determine the extent to which assessment instruments used with at-risk and justice-involved youth are equally appropriate and effective in assessing girls and boys” (p. 2). This report is comprised of sections about: background and methods; examining two categories of instruments—risk assessment and treatment-focused; considerations when examining gender; how gender can affect classification and diagnoses; instrument review process; discussion of findings; recommendations for practitioners; and selecting appropriate risk and needs assessment instruments. A little more than half of the evaluated instruments had some form of gender-based analysis or gender-based development.

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