Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units (CESU)

General Information

MOU between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District and the ODUSD(I&E) (PDF)

This MOU authorizes the Fort Worth District to provide nonexclusive contractual support for projects in support of DoD military installations desiring to use the CESU Network.

CESU Fact Sheet (PDF)

A brief overview of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Network

CESU Multi Agency MOU - Approved (PDF)

The CESU Network was created with the signing of an interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  The objective of the CESU network is to provide research, technical assistance, and training to federal land management, environmental and research agencies and their partners.

CESU Competition Guidance (PDF)

Guidelines for Competition of Cooperative Projects Funded Under the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units National Network

Sample Statement of Interest (SOI) (PDF)

A statement of interest is published by the DoD when seeking proposals from CESU partner institutions for potential projects to be funded through the CESU Network.  This is a template for DoD Regional Coordinators preparing a Statement of Interest

CESU National Network

CESU Website

Points of Contact

DoD CESU Contact Information (PDF)

Cooperative Agreements

Californian (PDF)

Chesapeake Watershed (PDF)

Colorado Plateau (PDF)

Desert Southwest (PDF)

Great Lakes-Northern Forest (PDF)

Great Plains (PDF)

Great Rivers (PDF)

Gulf Coast (PDF)

Hawaii Pacific Island (PDF)

North and West Alaska (PDF)

Piedmont South Atlantic (PDF)

Rocky Mountain (PDF)

Southern Appalachian Mountains (PDF)

South Florida/Carribean (PDF)

Last Modified: 19 January 2012 at 09:49