
Announcing EIA's Application Programming Interface

The U.S. Energy Information Administration is committed to making its data available through an Application Programming Interface (API) to better serve our customers. An API allows computers to more easily access our public data. By making EIA data available in this machine-readable format, the creativity in the private, the non-profit, and the public sectors can be harnessed to find new ways to innovate and create value-added services powered by public data.

Currently, EIA's API is released as a beta product. As of September 21, 2012, it contains 427,000 electricity series. As we add petroleum and natural gas data, along with state energy estimates over the coming months, this number will swell to over a million series.

The EIA API is offered as a free public service, although registration is required. Your registration and compliance with the API Terms of Service Agreement will allow EIA to monitor usage and ensure service availability. The API is provided free of charge and should be used in compliance with our Copyrights and Reuse page.

Visit the API section in beta to learn, register and access EIA Electricity data