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Radioactive Source Reduction and Management

Radioactive Source Reduction and Management

EPA's source reduction and management activities contribute to fulfilling the Agency's mission of protecting people and the environment by helping to minimize potential exposure to radioactive sealed sources.

About Radioactive Source Reduction and Management
description of the issues and activities to address them

Radionuclide Life-Cycle Analysis and Product Stewardship
tracing radionuclides used in industry as they enter and leave the economy and minimizing their impact on human health and the environment throughout their life-cycle

Sealed Radioactive Sources
description of sealed radioactive sources and their uses as well as environmental and public health hazards caused by mishandling and improper disposal

Common Industrial Devices and Other Uses of Radioactive Sources
description of the different kinds of industrial devices and other applications in which sealed radioactive sources are used

Radioisotopes Commonly Used in Devices by Industry
annotated list of radioisotopes used in industrial devices

Source Reduction

Alternative Technologies for Industrial Applications
exploring ways to replace radiation technologies with non-radioactive alternatives

Alternative Technologies: Development and Acceptance
the stages of developing and gaining acceptance for alternative technologies in the marketplace

Alternative Technology Projects
description of projects that have targeted specific technologies

Stakeholders and Partners
organizations that EPA works with in developing and promoting acceptance of alternative technologies

Source Tracking

Tracking Radioactive Materials with Radiofrequency IDs
investigating technologies to improve tracking and monitoring of high-level radiological sources in commerce

Orphan Source Detection and Response

training courses for scrap yard workers and demolition contractors to prevent radioactive materials from entering metal recycling facilities and prevent improper disposal of tritium exit signs to protect the water supply

Orphan Sources at Demolition Sites
describes the problem of radioactive sources in buildings scheduled for demolition and how EPA is working with contractors to solve this problem

Contaminated Scrap Metal
describes the origins of radioactively contaminated scrap metal and how EPA and other organizations are working to keep it out of the nation's metal supply

International Response
approaches being taken by EPA and international organizations to prevent the importation of contaminated scrap metal

Orphan Source Recovery

Orphan Source Recovery Efforts
initiatives by EPA and other organizations to return lost, stolen, or abandoned sealed radioactive sources to regulatory control

Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions
questions and answers about orphan sources

reports, papers, posters, fact sheets on topics related to radioactive sealed sources

Related Links
links to other Web sites containing information about radioactive sealed sources

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