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  • U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Laurence Pope

    Happy New Year 2013!

    A New Year’s message to Libyans from U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Laurence Pope. (Video in Arabic)

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News from the Embassy

  • Statement: U.S. Chargé d’ Affaires to Libya

    William Roebuck has arrived in Tripoli as the U.S. Chargé d’ Affaires to Libya. Chargé Roebuck will continue the work of Laurence Pope, who has served in that capacity since October 2011 following the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  

  • Statement on Formation of Libyan Government

    The United States congratulates the Libyan people on the formation of a government. This is a critical milestone in their democratic transition. We encourage the country’s leaders to build democratic and security institutions and to promote economic development and the rule of law. The Libyan people fought a difficult revolution in order to enjoy a democratic future with peace, security and prosperity. The United States looks forward to working closely with the new government. 

  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

    The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for Libya is designed to bring Libyan scholars to U.S. institutions for faculty development, mentoring, and cultural exchange activities.  

  • Remarks by Ambassador Chris Stevens at the Reopening of the Consular Section

    Aug. 26: Today is a great day for U.S.-Libyan relations. I'm so glad that you were all able to join us here to mark the reopening of our Consular section. Since returning to Libya as Ambassador in May, there's one question I've heard almost every day from Libyans: "When are you going to start issuing visas again?" Now, at last, you have your answer: Tomorrow. 

  • Completion of Public Service Announcement (PSA) Training by MEPI Grantees - Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission Greg Hicks

    Thank you very much for having me today. The Ambassador would have liked to have been here. However, he's entertaining a very important guest from the United States Government today and tomorrow. 

  • Commander of the U.S. Africa Command Visits Libya

    Tripoli - The Commander of the United States Africa Command, General Carter F. Ham, visited Libya on May 20. General Ham became commander of U.S. Africa Command in March 2011, and in this capacity, he is responsible for relationships between the United States military and the militaries of African countries. This trip was General Ham’s second to Libya since the revolution. 

  • "Honoring Women in an Age of Participation" By Ambassador Gene Cretz, U.S. Ambassador to Libya

    Secretary Clinton has noted that “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations will flourish.”