Videos and Images

white-tail-deer Sonoran-Pronghorn seedlings seedling tube Schofield-Barracks SAV-Training-Workshop Sandhills-Crane roadrunner red-cockaded-woodpecker pendleton-game-warden-tern NPLD-05-Cherry-Point_Naval-Academy novafox milan-chestnut-planting MCBC-Lejeune-Sea-oats-planting loggerhead-baby Langley-AFB-vet-with-osprey Langley-AFB-Osprey Langley-AFB-Osprey-tagging Kirtland-AFB Kirtland-AFB Kirtland-AFB fox ff-sneaky-fox Eglin-AFB-woods eastern-regal-fritillary-butterfly Desert-Tortoise-Ft-Irwin Collared-lizard bird-in-hand Bellows-AFB-Hawaii barracksfoxmhiggins banded-nestlings banded-nestlings Baby_owl Baby_owl measurements baby-loggerhead-Cape-Canaveral Cerulean Warbler male (Brian Nelson) Booby downy chick on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438)desert tortoise (photo courtesy of USGS (Legacy 9-433) Desert Tortoise at secur chek pt EAFB Desert Tortoise with tracking device (08-385) AZGF Dictyosphaeria spe HI (Legacy 09-438)Feathered juvenile and adult booby on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) Drupa ricina & D Female ospry perched on channel mark nest in Back River (Legacy 08-292) Fledgling Osprey perched on nest in Back River (Legacy 8-292)Frog swapped for Bd Survey (Legacy 09-426) Grasshopper sparrow nest on Lakehurst Naval Air Eng Station NJ 2009 (08-408) Green turtle tracks on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) Ground Squirrel eating scotch broom flowers (Legacy 08-400) Hawksbill tracks on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) Healthy Pacific reef (Legacy 09-306) Joshua Tree Desert Tortoise CR EAFB Large downy gawky Booby chicks on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) Large vermetid species on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) leatherback turtle tracks on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) male cerrulean warbler (Phil Swanson) Manatee project Morula granulata on Wake Island (Legacy 09-438) Mowing scotch broom Cmp Rilea OR 2 (Legacy 08-400)NPLD 05-Cherry Point_Naval Academy NPLD 09 camp atterbury INNPLD 2009 Ft Stewart GA NPLD 2009 Andrews AFB MD NPLD 2009 Beale AFB CA NPLD 2009 Camp Dawson WV NPLD 2009 Camp Pendleton bobcat using guzzler NPLD 2009 Camp Pendleton CA NPLD 2009 Camp Ripley MN NPLD 2009 Cap Canaveral AFS FL NPLD 2009 Fairchild AFB WA NPLD 2009 Fallbrook NWS CA NPLD 2009 Beale AFB CA NPLD 2009 Ft Custer MI NPLD 2009 Ft Huachuca AZ NPLD 2009 Ft Lee VA NPLD 2009 Ft Lewis WA NPLD 2009 Ft McCLellan ANGTC AL NPLD 2009 Ft Pickett VA 2 NPLD 2009 Ft Pickett VA NPLD 2009 Makua Milt Res HI Wildlife Trade Inforcement Team-Afghanistan (Legacy 09-444) NPLD 2009 NASO Dam Neck Annex, VA NPLD 2009 MCB Quantico VA

Video Gallery

Caught in the Crosshairs: Combating the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Iraq & Afghanistan (Short Version)

A video narrated by Edward Norton that aims to combat the illegal wildlife trade in Iraq and Afghanistan by informing U.S. military personnel about the consequences of buying wildlife products while stationed overseas (Legacy 10-444).

Caught in the Crosshairs: Combating the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Iraq & Afghanistan (Long Version)

A video narrated by Edward Norton that aims to combat the illegal wildlife trade in Iraq and Afghanistan by informing U.S. military personnel about the consequences of buying wildlife products while stationed overseas (Legacy 10-444).

DoD Natural Resources Program

The DoD Natural Resources Program produced a video to highlight specific examples of what DoD is doing to benefit both mission and conservation objectives. The video's goal is to highlight projects that demonstrate how natural resources projects help sustain the mission.

DoD Responding to Climate Change

Through the Legacy Resource Management Program (Legacy) and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), DoD is implementing several strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts. This video introduces climate change and features projects on sea level rise and threatened and endangered species, as well as an overview of DoD's conservation funding programs.

WNS Decontamination Demonstration, 2010 USFWS Protocol Video

Decontamination demonstration video from the WNS and Bats Workshop on Bat Ecology, White Nose Syndrome and Implications to the DoD Mission - Nashville, TN in November 2010 (Legacy 10-445).

Bellamy Cave Field Trip Video

Video from the Bellamy Cave field trip conducted during the WNS and Bats Workshop on Bat Ecology, White Nose Syndrome and Implications to the DoD Mission - Nashville, TN in November 2010 (Legacy 10-445).

Fort Huachuca Field Trip Video

Video from the Fort Huachuca field trip conducted during the WNS and Bats Workshop on Bat Ecology, White Nose Syndrome and Implications to the DoD Mission - Tucson, AZ, August 30-September 1, 2011 (Legacy 10-445).

WNS Summer Decontamination Demonstration Video

WNS Summer Decontamination Video from August 31, 2011 during the Fort Huachuca field trip, part of the WNS and Bats Workshop on Bat Ecology, White Nose Syndrome and Implications to the DoD Mission - Tucson, AZ (Legacy 10-445).

Other Image Gallery Sites

Bat Conservation International Image Library

Bat Conservation International has the largest collection of bat photographs in the world - about 75,000 professional-quality images of bat species from every continent but Antarctica. The right to use these copyrighted images may be purchased from BCI at a nominal fee, with proceeds support bat conservation. Contact Meera Banta, Photo Editor/Collection Manager at 512-327-9721 ext 47 or email

DoD Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Photo Gallery

This link takes you to the DoDPARC photo gallery with fantastic images of amphibians and reptile species. The site also has extensive web links, events calendar and library of reports/publications/brochures/ of herp related work on DoD lands. Please visit the Library page for details on what is needed in a photo submission, ethics, policy and permissions.

DoD Partners in Flight Photo Gallery

This link takes you to the DoDPIF photo gallery with hundreds of beautiful images of bird species. Images may be used for personal or educational purposes only. Commercial uses are prohibited. We only ask that you credit the photographer appropriately.

Last Modified: 21 May 2012 at 13:36