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Six Words for the Planet: What are Yours?

2012 April 2

By Jessica Orquina

Have you heard of six-word essays or flash fiction? It’s a unique genre of writing that focuses on sharing a meaningful story or idea in just six words. The idea of very short stories began before the digital age, but has begun to thrive recently as people share their stories via social networks. Six-word essays recently came to my attention and I thought it would a great way to celebrate the environment.

Today at EPA, we are launching the Six Words for the Planet project in partnership with SMITH Magazine. To start off I wanted to share a few six-word essays written by my coworkers and me here at EPA.

Here are my Six Words for the Planet:

Many nations. One planet. Our home.

Here are six-word essays about the environment written by my fellow EPA employees:

Healthier families, cleaner communities, stronger America.
Lisa P Jackson, EPA Administrator

Breathe; A moment in nature. Breathe!

Our only. Our one. Home planet.

Now it’s your turn. What are your Six Words for the Planet? Write your six-word essay and share it at Throughout the project, we’ll feature your Six Words for the Planet on the homepage and EPA social media channels.

Visit SMITH Magazine and share your Six Words for the Planet today!

Who can participate?

To participate in Six Words for the Planet you can be a citizen of any country, living anywhere. As long as you’re 18 or older, you’re welcome to enter. If you’re younger than that, please ask your parent or guardian prior to entering.

  • You can enter your Six Words for the Planet any time between now and June 30, 2012.
  • Your Six Words for the Planet must be original.
  • You cannot enter a six-word essay that belongs to or has been copyrighted by someone else.
  • Your Six Words for the Planet cannot contain obscene, indecent, or profane language.
  • Your Six Words for the Planet cannot contain threats or defamatory statements.
  • Your Six Words for the Planet cannot contain hate speech directed at race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, or disability.
  • Your Six Words for the Planet cannot advertise, promote, or endorse a product or service.
  • The topic of your Six Words for the Planet cannot be nudity, drugs, violence, or symbols or acts of hatred.

By entering your Six Words for the Planet, you agree to all of the above. EPA and SMITH Magazine reserve the right to disqualify or not consider any entries for any reason.

About the author: Jessica Orquina works in the Office of External Affairs and Environmental Education as the social media lead for the agency. Prior to joining EPA, she served as a public affairs specialist at another federal agency and is a former military and commercial airline pilot. She lives, works, and writes in Washington, DC.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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