The Tragic Case of Amanda Todd

The doubled edged-sword of living life on social media

13 Food Hacks for Better Skin and Hair


We’ve got 13 homemade solutions — from honey to mayo — for dry skin, rough elbows and unruly hair

HPV Vaccine Doesn’t Lead To Promiscuous Tweens

Christine Balderas / Getty Images

Concerns over an immunization aimed at a sexually transmitted virus may be unfounded

More Sleep Means More Focused, Emotionally Stable Kids

Susan Barr / Getty Images

How important is sleep for children? Getting too little could leave them more emotional and impulsive.

Soda Industry Sues to Block NYC’s Ban on Big Drinks

Soda makers, restaurateurs and other businesses sued Friday to try to block the city’s unprecedented move to restrict sales of super-sized, sugary drinks, an effort the city called a coup for public health but the industry views as unfair and undemocratic.

Meningitis Cases Rise in Outbreak Linked to Tainted Steroid Shots

Adam Gault / Getty Images

Health officials expect yet more cases of fungal meningitis related to contaminated steroid shots

Marshmallow-ology: Why Wait, When the Better Treat Might Never Arrive?

Courtesy of the University of Rochester

Impulse control may be a key predictor of later success, but for some kids delaying gratification makes little sense

Why California’s Conversion Therapy Ban Is Only the First Step

Talk therapies aren't required to undergo any safety or efficacy tests— even though they can often harm as badly as drugs do.

Secret to Winning a Nobel Prize? Eat More Chocolate

Getty Images

As the Nobel Prizes are being awarded this week, one U.S. scientist asks: could eating chocolate have anything to do with becoming a laureate?

An Experimental Cervical Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise

ballyscanlon / Getty Images

In a small clinical trial, a therapeutic vaccine from Pennsylvania company Inovio Pharmaceuticals showed promise for treating precancerous cervical lesions in women with HPV.