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Stream Systems Technology Center

NEW at the Stream Systems Technology Center

Stream Notes   Read the October 2011 newsletter (PDF).
Bankfull stage online videos   Video guides to determining bankfull stage are now available online.


What Is the Stream Systems Technology Center?

The Stream Systems Technology Center, or "STREAM TEAM " is a national technical center chartered to improve knowledge of stream systems and watershed hydrology, develop operational tools and technology, provide training and technical support, and identify research needs for the purpose of coordinating development of needed technology to secure favorable conditions of water flows. The Stream Systems Technology Center is part of the Washington Office Watershed, Fisheries, and Wildlife Staff.

See: Basic Information, More Detail

Featured Video

Bedload Traps in Course-Bedded Mountain Streams

Download this video (right-click save as) Windows Media format 3802K

Read the paper related to this video: Guidelines for using bedload traps in coarse-bedded mountain streams: Construction, installation, operation, and sample processing

Videos, CDs, and DVDs

East and West Bankfull DVD Link

EAST and WEST Bankfull videos are now available in one DVD.

Northeast Bankfull DVD Link

The 4-disc set of Northeast Bankfull CDs are now available.


FishXing Software Download Link

Software and learning systems for fish passage through culverts.


WinXSPRO Download Software Link

Version 3.0 is ready for download.

Pebble Count Analyzer

The Size-class Pebble Count and the Zig-zag Pebble Count Analyzer. Click here.

Stream Systems Technology Center GlyphStream Systems Technology Center
USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2150 Centre Ave, Bldg. A, Suite 368, Fort Collins, CO 80526.
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