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Divisions in the Material Measurement Laboratory

A NIST researcher with a tissue bioreactor

Applied Chemicals and Materials Division

Provides the measurement science, standards, technology, instrumentation, models and data required to support the nation's needs for design, production, and assessment of chemical and material products.

Credit: NIST/Burrus
NIST staff members discuss a NIST project for improving forensic analysis of human DNA

Biomolecular Measurement Division 

Provides the measurement science, standards, technology, and data required to support the nation's needs in determining the composition, structure, quantity, and function of biomolecules. 

Copyright Robert Rathe
A NIST scientist working on biological analysis.

Biosystems and Biomaterials Division

Provides the measurement science, standards, data, methods and technology that the nation needs for the quantification of complex biological systems, materials and processes, from the nano- to the macro-scale.

Credit: NIST
A NIST researcher prepares to use liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to analyze the chemical byproducts produced by reacting pharmaceuticals with chlorine.

Chemical Sciences Division

Provides the measurement science, standards, technology, data and chemical informatics required to support the nation's needs in the determination of chemical composition and chemical structure of gases, organic, and inorganic species and in the measurement of a wide variety of chemical properties and processes, including chemical reactivity and mechanisms, and thermochemical properties.

Credit: NIST/Gail Porter
a NIST researcher prepares to analyze a sample with the NIST X-ray microcalorimeter. Materials Measurement Science Division

Provides the measurement science, measurement standards, and measurement technology required to enable world-leading characterization of materials in support of the nation's needs for the determination of the composition, structure, and properties of materials.

Credit: NIST/Gail Porter
A NIST scientist testing body armor. Materials Science and Engineering Division

Provides the measurement science, standards, technology, and data required to support the nation's need to design, develop, manufacture, and use materials.

Credit: NIST
A NIST scientist prepares Standard Reference Materials. Measurement Services Division

Provides customers with the means to obtain NIST Standard Reference Materials®, Calibration Services, and Standard Reference Data. NIST supports accurate and compatible measurements by certifying and providing more than 1,300 of the highest quality and metrological value Standard Reference Materials to industry, academia, and government. These materials are used to perform instrument calibrations in units as part of overall quality assurance programs, to verify the accuracy of specific measurements, and to support the development of new measurement methods.

Copyright Lester Lefkowitz


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Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8300