U.S. Department of Justice

Best Steps Forward: A Budget Balancing Path to Reset State Government & Overcome a Decade of Deficits

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jun. 01, 2012

Library ID

  • 026088

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  • 2010
  • 78 pages

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  • Best Steps Forward: A Budget Balancing Path to Reset State Government & Overcome a Decade of Deficits

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: While the entire report is informative, one appendix is particular to the community corrections field—Strategies for Reducing the Cost of Corrections in Oregon. Sections of this report following an executive summary are: a decade of deeper deficits confronts us now; long-term deficits require long-term solutions; step 1—carry forward interim budget reductions; step 2—keep state employees in step with all working Oregonians; step 3—keep school employees in step with state employees; step 4—modify retiree benefits to keep PERS costs affordable; step 5—hold the line in spending for services and supplies; step 6—implement Reset report recommendations; the need to balance other commitments; sustainable solutions are needed to resolve the remaining deficit; revenue stability remains a critical goal; sources and terminology. “The recommendations presented in this report will, if adopted, close almost two-thirds of the budget shortfall than now confronts us and do so in a way that helps to achieve balanced budgets for many years hereafter” (p. 4).

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