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Urban and Non-Urban Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP)

Department of Labor


The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 06/09/2011 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.

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Description of Modification

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Document Type: Modification to Previous  Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: SGA-11-01
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Jun 09, 2011
Creation Date: Jun 09, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: Jul 08, 2011   
Current Closing Date for Applications: Jul 08, 2011   
Archive Date: Aug 07, 2011
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Employment, Labor and Training
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 16
Estimated Total Program Funding: $5,000,000
Award Ceiling: $300,000
Award Floor: $100,000
CFDA Number(s): 17.805  --  Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

1. Applicant Eligibility: Applications for grant funds will be accepted from State and local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), local public agencies, for-profit/commercial entities, and non-profit organizations, including community-based organizations. Applicants must have a familiarity with the area and population to be served and the ability to administer an effective and timely program. Please note that entities organized under Section 501(c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code are not eligible to receive funds under this announcement. Applicants are encouraged to utilize, through partnerships or sub-awards, experienced public agencies, private non-profit organizations, private businesses, community-based organizations, and colleges and universities (especially those with traditionally high enrollments of minorities) that have an understanding of unemployment and the barriers to employment unique to homeless Veterans, a familiarity with the area to be served, linkages with the One-Stop Career Center(s), and the capability to effectively provide the necessary supportive services. Eligible applicants will generally fall into one of the following categories: 42 State and local WIBs, established under Sections 111 and 117 of the Workforce Investment Act. Public agencies, meaning any public agency of a State or of a general purpose political subdivision of a State that has the power to levy taxes and spend funds, as well as general corporate and police powers. (This typically refers to cities and counties.) A State agency may propose in its application to serve one or more of the jurisdictions located in its State. This does not preclude a city or county agency from submitting an application to serve its own jurisdiction. For-profit/commercial entities. Non-profit organizations (community-based organizations). If claiming 501(c) (3) status, a current and valid Internal Revenue Service statement indicating 501(c) (3) status approval must be submitted with the application or the application will be deemed non-responsive and it will not be evaluated.

Agency Name



EXECUTIVE SUMMARYApplicants for Grant Funds Should Read This Notice in Its Entirety. This solicitationcontains significant changes to previous HVRP solicitations. It is the applicants soleresponsibility to be aware of, responsive to, and in compliance with any new requirementsdescribed below.The U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Service announces a grantcompetition under 38 U.S.C. Section 2021, which provides that the Secretary of Labor [theSecretary] shall conduct, directly or through grant or contract, such programs as the Secretarydetermines appropriate to provide job training, counseling, and placement services (including jobreadiness, literacy, and skills training) to expedite the reintegration of homeless Veterans into the labor force. On October 13, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 (Public Law No: 111-275). Section 201 reauthorizes the Homeless VeteransReintegration Program through fiscal year (FY) 2011. Applications proposing to serve homeless Veterans under this HVRP solicitation will fall into one of two categories: Urban or Non-Urban geographical areas. HVRP grants are intended to address two objectives: To provide services to assist in reintegrating homeless Veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force, andTo stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex problems facing homeless Veterans.Successful applicants will design programs that expedite the reintegration of eligible homelessVeterans into the labor force by providing job placement services, job training, counseling,supportive services, and other assistance. There is no prescribed or mandatory model forapplicants to specifically adhere to; however, applicants should address all of the operational,administrative, and financial requirements described within this solicitation. Successfulapplicants will have demonstrated a potential ability to address the universal challenges as well as the local or regional problems that have contributed to Veteran homelessness and have negatively impacted these Veterans from stabilizing their lives and reentering the workforce. Under this solicitation, VETS anticipates that up to $2.5 million will be available for Urban grants, and up to $2.5 million will be available for Non-Urban grants with awards ranging from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum award of $300,000 for Urban grants and a minimum award of $100,000 to maximum award of $200,000 for Non-Urban grants. VETS expects to award grants in both the Urban and Non-Urban categories, however, the actual number of grants to be awarded in each category will be announced after selections are made as the grants are awarded based on the merit of the applications and the financial amounts proposed by the pool of successful applicants. Applicants must clearly identify the funding category for which they are applying. The Grant Officer reserves the right to negotiate proposed funding amounts and geographic service delivery areas under each of the designated funding categories.The anticipated active period of performance for these grants will be from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. In addition, grantees will be required to provide follow-up and retention services during a nine (9) month period from July 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. During this period, successful grantees will be expected to report on their follow-up and retention services for up to three quarters. Up to three (3) years of additional funding may be available, subject to the Department decision to exercise the additional year(s) of funding based upon an assessment of satisfactory grantee performance and the appropriation of available funds.Through this solicitation, the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL or Department), Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) will help implement the goals presented within theVeteran Administration (VA) Five-Year Plan to End Homelessness and the National StrategicPlan to Prevent and End Homelessness endorsed by the Interagency Council on Homelessness.VETS also strongly encourages HVRP applicants to be active participants in local HUDContinuum of Care Committees as well as frequent contributors to the development of local Ten-Year Plans to End Homelessness within their proposed geographic service areas.This notice contains all the necessary information and forms to apply for grant funding under the HVRP. There may be future addenda to this solicitation published on and onthe VETS website. All applicants are responsible for checking and the VETS website regularly to ensure that they have all of the latest information regarding any updates to this solicitation.

Link to Additional Information

full announcement and attachments

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Cassandra Mitchell
Grants Management Specialist
Phone 202-693-4570

Synopsis Modification History

The following files represent the modifications to this synopsis with the changes noted within the documents. The list of files is arranged from newest to oldest with the newest file representing the current synopsis. Changed sections from the previous document are shown in a light grey background.

File Name Date
Modification #1 Jun 09, 2011
Original Synopsis Jun 09, 2011