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(202) 205-8333
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Equipment Standards, Method of Hire, & Inspections

Method of Hire

National standard methods of hire have been developed for equipment commonly used in supporting incidents, to provide consistency throughout the Forest Service (e.g. payment methods, operated/unoperated).

Equipment Standards

National equipment standards and typing are identified in the National Solicitation Templates to provide consistency in the acquisition methodology, methods of hire, and equipment typing and standards throughout the Forest Service. The templates have been approved by Washington Office Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) and Acquisition Management (AQM) incorporating input from Contracting Officers, Equipment Specialists, field personnel and the vendor community.

National Solicitation Templates and current modifications are posted at: http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/solicitations.php


Equipment Inspection Forms

Standard equipment inspection forms have been developed to provide consistency.

Last Modified: Aug 13, 2009 11:27:am EDT