Congressman Jared Polis
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Congressman Jared Polis

Congressman Jared Polis
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Jared PolisSee All
    • Mr. Polis, I am proud to have voted for your re-election! I noticed at the polling place at the United Methodist Church on Lookout Rd that there were 3 Romney campaign signs displayed on the grass between Lockout Rd and the parking lot. There were no Democratic Party candidate signs. Are the campaigns allowed to post signs outside of the polling places???
      about an hour ago
    •  I support Jeff Fluck!
      18 hours ago
    • Still dealing with the Rand Corporations Unit 731 Operation,and DEMANDING that Congress end Corporate Genocide of the American Public.
      Yesterday at 11:12am
    •  If you’re going to read anything about the election, please read this. It will be the best five minutes you spend. You owe it to your yourself and your country to see this great info. If you're in a swing state, the whole election could be decided by your vote. Please vote. If you live in a non-swing state, your spreading this info could decide the election. Please invite your friends to this election page, post it on your timeline and email it to friends. Important things will be decided on Nov 6th including: * Equal pay for women or not? Obama supports equal pay for women, and Romney does not. * Should we deregulate things again as Romney favors, until a financial crisis brings us down again; or keep the sensible Wall St. reforms Obama made? Stocks have doubled in value since the 2nd month of Obama’s term, so griping by Romney that Obama’s reforms have hurt business is false. Links showing the data in this post are at the end if you want to confirm them. * More taxes for you or more taxes for the super wealthy? Romney promises he will cut taxes on the very rich by 20% and on businesses by 30%. He’s promised it many times. Romney hid his money in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Grand Cayman islands so that he only paid 14% taxes on his 2010 and 2011 income of millions, a far lower rate than people making $50,000 a year. Now he wants to pay less. He vaguely says he’ll pay for those cuts by closing deductions, but he refuses to say which ones. Non-partisan independent groups say to achieve his tax cuts on the wealthy, he’d have to eliminate common deductions like childcare and mortgage interest that middle and lower income people use to reduce their tax load. That means you end up paying more. The rich and big businesses, including the Wall St. companies we bailed out, pay less. The US Conference of Bishops says Romney’s budget fails a “basic moral test” because it would harm the vulnerable and poor. Obama proposes that middle and lower income people pay less, and the rich pay a little more. Which do you want to vote for? * Should we increase our military spending by $2 trillion as Romney promises he’ll do, even though our military spending is already double what it was 12 years ago? And even though our military spending is already bigger than the next 10 biggest countries combined? And even though the Pentagon is not asking for an increase? It’s almost unbelievable right? Do you vote to spend more on that, or use the money for something else? * Do you want more climate change/disasters or less? Obama made investing in green energy a part of the stimulus that brought the economy back from disaster. He had the guts to fight climate change. Anyone who saw the debates know Romney repeatedly attacked his investing in green energy. Anyone who saw his convention saw them mock Obama for saying he wanted to help the environment. It’s a safe bet they are going reduce environmental laws, and won’t fight climate change. Michael Bloomberg, the former Republican, and current independent mayor of New York and founder of Bloomberg Financial News said he’s voting for Obama primarily because he’s fighting climate change, and Romney is mocking it. Which will you vote for? Nearly all climate scientists say we need to seriously fight climate change in the next 3-4 years or it will likely become irreversible. Your voting and sharing info to get others to vote is really crucial. The president has been opposed almost every step of his term by Republicans who have refused to cooperate for the good of the U.S. The leader of the Republicans in Congress in the first half of Obama’s term said their chief goal was not to help the country, or help the economy. Instead he said: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Almost every time Obama walked across the aisle to offer a compromise, he was pushed away. The Republicans were more interested in defeating Democrats than they were in helping us. Despite their obstruction, Obama accomplished a lot. Are we better off than when Obama entered office? We’ve gone from losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office and being close to a great depression, to gaining 175,000 a month. That’s a difference of 975,000 jobs a month, 11.7 million a year, and 46 million jobs over 4 years. It is a stunning difference. We’re lucky we’re not still in a deep recession or depression. And we’ve gained jobs for 32 months straight. That’s a pretty good winning streak. In the 3 months prior to Obama taking office, the economy was contracting at an 8.9% annual rate, only 1.1% away from being a depression, which is 10% contraction. Within a year, through his stimulus, his rescue of the auto industry and other important moves Republicans and Romney opposed, he stopped it from progressing to a depression, then he stopped it from contracting, and then started it expanding. Now it’s expanding at 2% a year. The stock market has doubled in value since the second month of his presidency, meaning all peoples’ retirement plans, college savings accounts, pension funds, nonprofit endowments and all other investments have doubled in value. According to Kiplinger’s financial magazine and others, if the stock market maintains its current course for 3 more months, Obama will have the biggest 4-year market improvement of any since 1930. Better than any president in 80 years. The facts above and below are linked to at the bottom of this message. What are the chances Romney would have pulled off the giant turnarounds above? When he was governor of Massachusetts, the state was 47th in the nation in job creation, causing its employment rate to go from #22 in the country to #32 in just 4 years. During his time, the nation averaged 5% job growth, yet he could only do .9. The state suffered the second largest labor force decline in the U.S. with 222,000 leaving the state, as the state lost 14% of its manufacturing jobs under him. 7 years after his exit, under another governor, the state is booming in jobs with the 16th best employment rate. Which track record do you want in office the next 4 years? One of Romney’s key arguments is we need a businessman to run our economy. But an analysis described in US News and World Report shows that 4 of our past 13 presidents had successful business experience: Hoover, Carter and the two Bushes. Yet, on 11 of the 12 most important economic indicators such as economic growth and stock returns, all 9 presidents without business experience fared better than they did. This is because the skills needed to run a company are different than the skills needed to manage a whole nation. Romney’s other central argument is that he reached across the aisle and compromised with a Democratic legislature to get things done. The fact is that he vetoed 800 bills in 4 years, which is more than one veto every two days. The legislature overrode his veto 700 times, sometimes unanimously. You know in real life a person is fairly divisive when he knows 100% of both parties favor a bill, yet he still vetoes it and forces them to vote again to override him. Romney often did everything he could to block the Democrats, and the state suffered from it. He was so proud of his record of not compromising that in the 2008 primary, he ran a TV ad 1,000 times bragging about how often he vetoed the Democrats. When he says he’ll work with Democrats if he’s elected, don’t believe him. 4 out of the last 5 governors in Massachusetts were Republicans and 1 of their 2 senators is Republican. So clearly they vote for a Republican if they think the Republican is the best choice. They twice elected Reagan. And they voted for Romney in 2003. How many of them are voting for him after seeing him try to run their state from four years? In the latest poll October 27th, only 31% are voting for Romney. 63% think Obama will do better for the US. That’s a 32% margin in favor of Obama in Romney’s home state, where they’ve seen him first hand. Romney can’t even get a job reference from the people of his own state. If he can’t successfully run a small state, how can he govern a nation of 50 states, and the world’s only superpower? He can’t. On average Obama has been excellent on foreign policy - killing Bin Laden and 4 of the top 5 Al Qaeda leaders, and 10 out of the top 12, ending the war in Iraq and bringing a ton of troops home to their families, restoring the support of our allies and restoring our credibility with the world. Obama helped oust a long-time dictator, Qadafi, who was a terrorist who funded the killing of Americans in the past. He did so without the loss of American lives, and for $1.8 billion. Bush helped ouster a long-time dictator, Sadam, who never funded the killing of Americans. It cost us about $900 billion (500 times what Obama used) and over 4,000 lives, which is more than died on 9/11. The Iraq war cost the average American $1,000. Republicans have a habit of getting us overinvolved in costly wars. You can either put some money aside to spend on the next war, or save a lot of money by sharing info about what’s at stake in the election and voting. Besides the gains above, foreclosures are down 50% from 2 years ago. Housing demand is up 27% from a year ago. Housing prices have made their biggest gains in 2 years. Reuters and other polls show consumer confidence is at a 5-year high. More improvements need to be made, but a lot have been made so far. You can either pay lose money from the underperformance Romney will have on the economy, or gain money by sharing info about what’s at stake and by voting. The choice is yours. The race is a tie right now. Half of Americans favor Obama, yet half of them aren’t due to vote because they think it won’t affect them. They need to see this information about what’s at stake. If you have 200 contacts on Facebook, about 100 of them favor Obama but 50 aren’t going to vote. If your friends lean left, it’s more like 150 favor Obama and 75 of them aren’t due to vote. They need to hear from you. If they read this, many will be moved to vote. The election is going to be decided by who many of them are movd to vote. Anyone who favors Romney will just ignore your info and know that in a democracy, people share information with each other. More importantly, some of the people you share it with will share it with others, and create a multiplier. More will see it, and be moved to vote. This race will be decided by a couple of thousand votes in about 10 states. It’s not the tiny number of undecideds who will decide it. The people who would vote for Obama, but don't think their vote will matter will decide who runs our country the next four years. So please do as many of these as possible: 1) Join the election event, click the Invite button, check off the people in your contacts, click Save and an invite will show up in their list of invites. They can take it or leave it, but they can’t take it if you don’t share it. You can invite 100 in 2 minutes. Easy as that. 2) Post this or similar to your Facebook and Twitter timelines: Here is very useful information about the biggest “event” of the year. Check it out here - --- Or copy and paste this whole note to your timeline. Facebook does not have character limits so it will fit aok. 3) Do the same via Facebook emails and regular emails. People read 99% of what you email to them, so it’s stronger than the timeline. You could probably copy and paste it to 1 friend every 15 seconds, and 120 people in a half hour. If you have friends without cars, consider offering them a ride to the polls. If you need a ride to the polls, ask for one. If you have early voting, vote now so there’s no risk of you missing out. Sharing this information will help a huge number of people, including you. Don’t sit on the bench and hurt your own situation. Get in the game, and help yourself and our country. Spreading the word is like being allowed to vote numerous times because of the number of people you can inspire to vote. Please take at least one step to share it now. --- LINKS Here are some links from Business Week, Fox, Time and other sites showing almost all of the info above - This chart shows how fast the U.S. was spiralling down, and how far it fell before he took office, and that within 6 months he stopped the freefall, then within another 6 months got the economy noticeably growing again - We encourage you to spend time spreading the word, rather than reading, but if you want to fact check all of the above with these links, you can. The sooner you put your time to sending this page to others the more your time will benefit you.
      Yesterday at 4:41am
    • Annmarie Lopez-Scottson
      Congressman Polis, good morning. I am reaching out to you, on behalf of the residents in the states of NY, NJ, and CT who aren't in your district but are in need. I am one of the fortunate ones whose home wasn't destroyed. But many have lost homes or face significant damage. They will need homes to live in for an extended period of time. There are many homes empty because of foreclosure in my state of NJ, but also in the other states affected by Sandy. I have reached out to my Governor already, and I plan to contact every Congressperson and Senator over the next day or two, but I feel that it is our civic duty as citizens to ask the banks to open homes up that sit empty, fix those that need repair to make them livable, and offer these homes to the displaced as temporary homes instead of hotel vouchers. In NJ, there aren't any hotel rooms available for folks who are displaced. I respectfully ask you to please see what is possible to make this a reality. FEMA and the President could do something, and all of you can too. Please, before it gets colder, give these people a home that isn't a trailer or a hotel room. There are many who I'm sure could help with fixing up homes and supplying food and basics to the homes. Thank you and God bless. Annmarie Scottson
      Yesterday at 2:49am
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