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Implementing regulations for these fisheries are found at 50 CFR Part 648 Subpart B

The Atlantic Mackerel, longfin squid, Illex squid, and butterfish fisheries are all managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) under a single Fishery Management Plan. To access the MAFMC Mackerel/Squid/Butterfish webpage, please click here.

The Atlantic mackerel fishery utilizes an annual coastwide quota to manage commercial and recreational fishing fleets. Mackerel is a large volume fishery primarily harvested with mid-water trawl gear. The squid (longfin and Illex) fisheries utilize annual coastwide quotas to manage fishing fleets and are harvested with small mesh trawl gear. The annual harvest quota for longfin squid is divided into trimester allocations spaced throughout the fishing year. Illex is primarily harvested to be used as bait. The butterfish fishery utilizes an annual coastwide quota to manage fishing fleets and is primarily harvested with small mesh trawl gear. Currently, there is not a directed fishery for butterfish. Instead, most butterfish are harvested as bycatch with squid. On January 1, 2011, NMFS implemented a mortality cap to limit butterfish catch in the longfin squid fishery. To view images of these fisheries, please click here.

"A new limited access permit system for Atlantic mackerel goes into effect on March 1, 2012.   For information on how to apply for a limited access mackerel permit, click here.   If you hope to qualify for a limited access permit prior to March 1, 2012, you must submit a complete application prior to January 31, 2012. The last day to submit an initial application is February 28, 2013."

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Last Updated: January 16, 2013

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