Put the Spotlight on Healthy Relationships

November 27th, 2012

Let’s be honest. Not a lot of people talk about dating abuse. It may be the most common type of violence teens and 20-somethings experience, but our communities are oddly quiet about it. We don’t even have enough conversations about healthy relationships.

Now we have the opportunity to change all that. We’re talking prime time. Red carpet. Hollywood. Joel McHale hosting. Award show. Help get healthy relationships on the main stage — vote for Break the Cycle to win an American Giving Award. As you know, Break the Cycle is half the force behind loveisrespect. We’re nominated in the Youth Developer category and have the chance to win $1 million.

But this is really about the chance to spark conversations on couches across America. Let’s raise awareness about abuse and get everyone who watches NBC on December 8 to know about loveisrespect and what they can do to promote healthy relationships.

So vote and ask your Facebook friends to do the same.

awareness, help loveisrespect, Media

Thanks from loveisrespect

November 22nd, 2012

A very happy Thanksgiving from us at loveisrespect. Here are a few of the things we are thankful for this year:

  • We are thankful for unifying campaigns, like NO MORE, that allow us to work with our comrades against domestic violence and sexual assault under a common theme. We joined the NO MORE campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) to stand up against dating abuse. Campaigns like this bring everyone who is working to end domestic violence together and inspire collaboration.
  • We are thankful for artists, like Jasmine V, who are bold and speak on behalf of victims. Jasmine has been brave enough to use her platform as a recording artist to speak out against dating abuse. She released a song about dating abuse inspired by a past relationship, participated in interviews educating her peers about unhealthy relationships and even wrote a blog post for our NO MORE campaign during DVAM. Artists who use their popularity to raise awareness of domestic violence can make a huge difference in the lives of their fans by educating them and leading them to resources.
  • We are thankful for friends like Mary Kay who know that beauty and healing come from the inside out. Mary Kay has been a supporter of our efforts to end dating abuse for a very long time. This year, they took that support one step further by becoming the primary sponsor of our text service. Mary Kay’s involvement has helped us change lives and we are so appreciative of the chance they’ve given us.
  • We are also so thankful for our friends at HCSC, Verizon, AVON Foundation for Women and Fifth and Pacific. Their support means the world to us and empowers our work. Corporations that realize the importance of education and healing help lead the way to ending dating abuse.
  • We are thankful for our staff and peer advocates who work so hard to make sure that we are able to help callers/texters/chatters. Without their dedication we would be unable to provide all of these services.
  • We are thankful for friends and family members who have supported a loved one who was struggling. Whether you gave them information about healthy relationships, shared our contact information or just let them know that you love and support them, you made a difference in the life of your loved one.
  • We are thankful for all of our texters/callers/chatters for having the courage to reach out for support when you feel that something isn’t right in your relationship. Thank you for giving us the chance to talk to you.
  • We are thankful for you. Thank you for visiting this site to get information. By learning about healthy relationships and dating practices you have the opportunity to make a difference in your life or in someone else’s.

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you. We would love it if you shared something that you’re thankful for with us in the comment field below.

And just a reminder, we’ll be here during the holiday. So please give us a call at 1-866-331-9474 or TTY 1-866-331-8453, text “loveis” to 77054 or send us a chat if you need to talk.


Join Ashley Greene and Support VAWA

November 15th, 2012
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Ashley Greene is asking each of you to join her in supporting Congress’ reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Today, Ashley was featured in Glamour supporting domestic violence and dating abuse organizations. The article even featured a picture of her with our Youth Advisory Board members!

As a brand ambassador for Avon’s mark brand’s m.powerment campaign, Ashley has spoken out against dating abuse all across the nation. To those working to end violence, VAWA is key. Since it was signed into effect in 1994, domestic violence related deaths in women have decreased by 34 percent and by 57 percent for men. Also, the number of people who report domestic violence incidents has increased by 51 percent.

“I was just seven years old when the first Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed. So growing up, I only knew a government that took domestic violence and sexual assault seriously,” said Ashley in the article published in Glamour magazine. Read more…
