DoDEA Pacific in the News

DoDEA Pacific Public Affairs

DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam Celebrates Constitution Day; Friday - September 16

TORII STATION, OKINAWA , JAPAN — September 8, 2005 — DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam announced that schools throughout the Pacific will provide training on the foundations of the United States government during the week of September 12 through 16. Most Americans know that July 4th is our nation’s birthday. Fewer Americans understand that September 17 is the birthdate of our government. On that day in 1787, delegates to the Philadelphia Convention completed and signed the U.S. Constitution.

The designation of September 17 th as Constitution Day was inserted in the final federal- spending bill for 2005 by Senator Robert C. Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat and unofficial constitution scholar – he keeps a copy of the constitution in his pocket. This bill requires all federal employees and schools receiving federal funds to develop a program on the Constitution to increase awareness about this great document. Drafted in secret by delegates to the Constitutional Convention during the summer of 1787, this four-page document, signed on September 17, established the government of the United States.

Throughout DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam, teachers are being encouraged to develop creative ways to teach students about the Constitution and its significance as the foundation of our government. Some examples include;

  1. Students may be asked to read the preamble together, having older students lead younger ones in reading and discussing the Constitution.
  2. Schools may invite senior military officials or news media representatives to talk with students about the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
  3. Teachers could create a scavenger hunt, bingo game, or trivial pursuit activity using facts about the Constitution.
  4. Morning announcements at schools could include constitutional quotes.
  5. A wealth of interactive and informative activities are available on various websites. These resources are being distributed to our schools.

“As we celebrate Constitution Day this year let us never forget the sacrifices made by our service members to preserve the liberties and freedoms granted to us by the U.S. Constitution. September 17, 1787, marks a time in history which gave birth to our great nation. Today, 218 years later, we are witnessing the dawn of a new democracy in the Middle-East. A country ruled by a dictator for decades will now serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to millions based upon the ideals of liberty, equality and justice, embodied in their constitution,” said Nancy Bresell, Director DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam.

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