DoDEA Pacific in the News

DoDEA Pacific Public Affairs

D.A.R.E. America trainer collaborates with DoDDS to provide new drug abuse resistance training for elementary/middle school children

May 5, 2004 — A new approach to training in the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) curriculum is being implemented in DoDDS elementary and middle schools. It is based on working with students to help them make lifestyle changes rather than to just absorb facts and say "No." Students are receiving information and life skills to assist them in making appropriate and safe choices regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco as well as in their interpersonal relationships.

Earlier efforts were focused on educating students about the facts and emphasis was placed on saying no to drugs. Now, students are being given more in depth information and are being armed with coping skills to resist drugs, alcohol, tobacco and violence. They are learning about the health hazards and tragic effects of making inappropriate choices. They are being taught to realize the consequences and how to use critical thinking skills.

From May 10-21, 2004 , 33 military police (DARE officer trainees) from base installations throughout the Pacific will receive DARE training from a cadre of DARE instructor trainers who work for city police departments in the United States . The training will take place at the Butler Officers' Club, Plaza Housing Area, from 0800 to 1630. On May 20, from 0800 to 1200, the DARE officer trainees will participate in a practice teaching session in a 5 th or 6 th grade classroom at the following schools: Kadena and Stearley Heights Elementary Schools and Amelia Earhart Intermediate School , Kadena AB , Okinawa , Japan. DARE instructor trainers will monitor all practice teaching sessions. On Friday afternoon, DARE office trainees will participate in a graduation ceremony at the Teen Millennium Center , Kadena AB, from 1300 to 1430. Graduates will receive certification which enables them to teach the DARE curriculum in DoDDS next school year.

DARE America has brought professional educators and national experts in the field into their training program. These professionals have researched the DARE curriculum and have enhanced the program through the incorporation of educational best practices. According to Scott Gilliam, DARE America Director of Training, a five-year national longitudinal study has is currently in its third year of study in six major cities involving 10,000 students to prove the effectiveness of the DARE program.

DARE has received strong support from DoDDS Pacific military communities. All elements of the community-the commands, parents, school administrators, teachers, and the students continue to enthusiastically support the DARE program.