/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:34:03 Oct 21, 2012 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 10:19:42 Sep 29, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ var COOKIE_SESSION_NAME = "sts"; var COOKIE_SESSION_END_NAME = "stse"; var COOKIE_REFERRER_NAME = "str"; var TRACKING_MODE_ONCLICK = 1; var TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE = 1; var TRACKING_TYPE_WIDGET = 9; var TRACKING_TYPE_API = 10; var TRACKING_TYPE_LINK = 2; var TRACKING_TYPE_BOOK = 3; var TRACKING_TYPE_EVENT = 4; var TRACKING_TYPE_FILE = 5; var TRACKING_TYPE_FORM_INPUT = 6; var TRACKING_TYPE_FORM_BUTTON = 7; var TRACKING_TYPE_FORM = 8; var TRACKING_TYPE_HOME_PAGE = 11; var TRACKING_TYPE_CUSTOM_LINK = 12; var TRACKING_TYPE_SEARCH = 13; var TRACKING_TYPE_HOME_PAGE_MOBILE = 14; var TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE_MOBILE = 15; function SpringTrack() { this.st_prefix = "_st_"; // Springshare data (optional) // This will be populated with any config properties of the form "_st_". this.st_tracking_parameters = {}; this.user_logged_in = false; this.is_logout = ( document.location.search.indexOf("msg=logout") > -1 ); this.do_not_track = ( document.location.search.indexOf("tracking=off") > -1 ); this.is_preview = ( document.location.pathname.indexOf("/content.php") > -1 && document.location.search.indexOf("&preview=") > -1 ); this.is_cg = false; this.tracking_parameters = {}; this.tracking_server_host = "lgproc.aws.springshare.com"; this.tracking_script = "libguides/spring_track.php"; this.page_params = document.location.search; this.opt_use_page_params = true; this.imgs = new Array(); this.img_idx = 0; this.track_delay = 600; this.sessionCookieTimeout = 30; // 30 minutes this.referrerCookieTimeout = 60 * 24 * 30 * 6; // 6-months this.cookie_session = {}; this.cookie_referrer = {}; this.new_session = false; this.tracking_fields = { "site_path" : {"key" : "sp", "val" : document.location.pathname + ( document.location.search.length > 0 ? document.location.search : "" ) }, "resource_type" : {"key" : "rt", "val" : "" }, "resource_id" : {"key" : "rid", "val" : "" }, "search_terms" : {"key" : "st", "val" : "" }, "custom_data" : {"key" : "cd", "val" : "" }, "monitor_resolution" : {"key" : "mr", "val" : screen.width + "x" + screen.height }, "cookie_session_start" : {"key" : "sst", "val" : "" }, "cookie_session_id" : {"key" : "sid", "val" : "" }, "cookie_referrer" : {"key" : "rr", "val" : "" }, "visitor_id" : {"key" : "vid", "val" : "" } }; // Cookie processing. this.processCookies(); } SpringTrack.prototype.processCookies = function() { //debugger; // Check for existing cookie. this.cookie_session = this.readCookie(COOKIE_SESSION_NAME); this.cookie_referrer = this.readCookie(COOKIE_REFERRER_NAME); var unique_id = "1494_5084401b6cf47"; var date = new Date(); if ( this.cookie_session == null || this.cookie_session.length == 0 ) { var session_data = "{id:'" + unique_id + "',start:'" + date.getTime() + "'}"; this.createCookie(COOKIE_SESSION_NAME, session_data, this.sessionCookieTimeout); // Set cookie variable. this.cookie_session = session_data; // Set new session flag. this.new_session = true; } else { // Update cookie expiration. this.updateCookieExpiration(COOKIE_SESSION_NAME, this.sessionCookieTimeout); } if ( this.cookie_referrer == null || this.cookie_referrer.length == 0 ) { //debugger; var referrer_data = "{id:'" + unique_id + "',ref:'" + document.referrer + "'}"; this.createCookie(COOKIE_REFERRER_NAME, referrer_data, this.referrerCookieTimeout); this.cookie_referrer = referrer_data; } else { // Update cookie value. //debugger; var referrer_data = eval( "(" + this.cookie_referrer + ")"); // Persist existing id and set a new referrer. referrer_data = "{id:'" + referrer_data.id + "',ref:'" + document.referrer + "'}"; this.createCookie(COOKIE_REFERRER_NAME, referrer_data, this.referrerCookieTimeout); } } SpringTrack.prototype.createCookie = function(name,value,expires_min) { if (expires_min) { var date = new Date(); // 24*60* date.setTime(date.getTime()+(expires_min*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } SpringTrack.prototype.readCookie = function(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==" ") c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } SpringTrack.prototype.updateCookieExpiration = function(name, expires_min) { // Create a new cookie with the same value and a new expiration time. this.createCookie(name,this.readCookie(name),expires_min); } SpringTrack.prototype.eraseCookie = function(name) { this.createCookie(name,"",-1); } SpringTrack.prototype.init = function(config_obj) { // This will allow us to set parameters at the top of a pgae, then use them for subsequent calls // that may not necessarily have access to certain data. this.tracking_parameters = config_obj; } SpringTrack.prototype.setSpringTrackData = function(config_obj) { // Loop over the config elements and add any of the form "_st_" to the st_tracking_objects. //debugger; for ( elt in config_obj ) { if ( elt.indexOf(this.st_prefix) == 0 ) { this.st_tracking_parameters[elt] = config_obj[elt]; } } } SpringTrack.prototype.setParameter = function(name, value, label) { // Use this to set tracking parameters to send to the tracking server. } SpringTrack.prototype.trackIt = function(config) { // This method is responsible for generating the tracking data request to the tracking server. // debugger; //this.setSpringTrackData(config); // If this is a logged-in user dont log. // If this is a preview dont log // If this is a logout dont log. // If this is a do not track dont log. if ( !this.user_logged_in && !this.is_preview && !this.is_logout && !this.do_not_track ) { var track_src = "http://" + this.tracking_server_host + "/" + this.tracking_script + this.generateQSData(config); if (document.images){ this.imgs[this.img_idx] = new Image; this.imgs[this.img_idx].src = track_src; this.img_idx++; } else{ document.write('Tracking'); } } return true; } SpringTrack.prototype.generateQSData = function(config) { // This method is responsible for generating the tracking data request to the tracking server. var qs_arr = new Array(); var qs_string = ""; // Set cookie tracking fields. this.generateCookieQSData(); if ( this.opt_use_page_params ) { var page_parm_arr = this.page_params.split("&"); } if ( this.tracking_fields != null ) { for ( field in this.tracking_fields ) { qs_arr.push(this.tracking_fields[field]["key"] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.tracking_fields[field]["val"])); } } if ( this.tracking_parameters != null ) { for ( param in this.tracking_parameters ) { qs_arr.push(param + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.tracking_parameters[param])); } } if ( config != null ) { if ( typeof(config["_full_qs"]) != "undefined" && config["_full_qs"] ) { qs_arr.push("_full_qs=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.search)); } else { for ( param in config ) { qs_arr.push(param + "=" + encodeURIComponent(config[param])); } } } var date = new Date(); if ( qs_arr.length > 0 ) { return "?action=track&" + qs_arr.join("&") + "&_nocache=" + date.getTime(); } else { return "?action=track&nocache=" + date.getTime(); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Compile cookie data for sending on the querystring. //------------------------------------------------------- SpringTrack.prototype.generateCookieQSData = function() { var qs_arr = new Array(); var session_cookie = eval("(" + this.cookie_session + ")"); // If we have a new session send the start time as an indication. if ( this.new_session ) { if ( this.cookie_session != null ) { this.tracking_fields.cookie_session_start.val = session_cookie.start; //qs_arr.push("sst=" + escape(session_cookie.start)); } } // Always send the session id. this.tracking_fields.cookie_session_id.val = session_cookie.id; //qs_arr.push("sid=" + escape(session_cookie.id)); if ( this.is_cg ) { // Get/send referrer data. referrer_cookie = eval("(" + this.cookie_referrer + ")"); this.tracking_fields.cookie_referrer.val = document.referrer; //referrer_cookie.ref; //qs_arr.push("rr=" + escape(referrer_cookie.ref)); } //return qs_arr.join("&"); } SpringTrack.prototype.propExists = function(obj, prop) { return ( typeof(obj[prop]) != "undefined" ? true : false ); } SpringTrack.prototype.getResourceType = function(elt, config) { // If we have a config object, look for "st_type" and "custom_type" properties, otherwise try to figure out what kind of object has been passed in. var r_type = -1; //debugger; if ( config != null ) { if ( this.propExists(config, "st_type") ) { if ( config["st_type"] == "r" ) { r_type = 1; } else if ( config["st_type"] == "w" ) { r_type = 9; } else if ( config["st_type"] == "a" ) { r_type = 10; } else { r_type = config["st_type"]; } } else if (this.propExists(config, "custom_type")) { r_type = config["custom_type"]; } else { r_type = 2; } } else if ( elt != null ) { if ( this.propExists(elt, "tagName") ) { if ( elt.tagName.toUpperCase() == "A" ) { r_type = 2; } else if ( elt.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT" ) { r_type = 6; } else if ( elt.tagName.toUpperCase() == "BUTTON" ) { r_type = 7; } else if ( elt.tagName.toUpperCase() == "FORM" ) { r_type = 8; } else { r_type = 1; } } else { r_type = 1; } } else { r_type = 1; } return r_type; } SpringTrack.prototype.track = function(elt, config) { //debugger; var tmp_elt = ( typeof(elt) != "undefined" ? elt : document ); var elt_tag_name = ( this.propExists(tmp_elt, "tagName") ? tmp_elt.tagName : "" ); switch (elt_tag_name) { case "A": this.trackLink(tmp_elt, config); break; case "FORM": this.trackForm(tmp_elt, config); break; case "DOCUMENT": this.trackPage(tmp_elt, config); break; default: this.trackPage(tmp_elt, config); } } SpringTrack.prototype.gaLinkTracking = function(config_obj) { try { if ( typeof(pageTracker) != "undefined" && typeof(config_obj) != "undefined" ) { var link_name = config_obj.link_obj.innerHTML.replace("&", "&"); var link_id = "/" + config_obj.guide_name + "/" + config_obj.page_name + "/" + link_name + "/" + escape(config_obj.link_obj.href); pageTracker._trackPageview(link_id); } } catch (e) {} } SpringTrack.prototype.trackLink = function(link_obj, config) { //this.gaLinkTracking(); var resource_parts = link_obj.href.replace(/^http(s)?:\/\//ig, "").split("/"); var resource_type = this.getResourceType(link_obj, config); //debugger; //this.tracking_fields.resource_name.val = window.document.title; this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = resource_type; this.tracking_fields.resource_id.val = ( typeof(config.link_id) !== "undefined" ? config.link_id : "" ); //this.tracking_fields.resource_host_name.val = resource_parts[0]; //this.tracking_fields.resource_path.val = link_obj.href; //this.tracking_fields.resource_data.val = link_obj.innerHTML; this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = resource_type; this.tracking_fields.custom_data.val = ( typeof(config.custom_data) !== "undefined" ? config.custom_data : "" ); //debugger; this.trackIt(config); if ( link_obj.target ) { return true; } else { setTimeout("document.location.href = '" + link_obj.href + "';", this.track_delay); return false; } } SpringTrack.prototype.trackPage = function(config) { this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = this.getResourceType(null, config); this.trackIt(config); } SpringTrack.prototype.trackPageRedirect = function(config) { this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = this.getResourceType(null, config); //debugger; this.trackIt(config); if ( this.propExists(config, "mode") && config.mode == TRACKING_MODE_ONCLICK ) { if ( config.target ) { return true; } else { setTimeout("document.location.href = '" + config.href + "';", this.track_delay); return false; } } } SpringTrack.prototype.trackForm = function(form_obj, config) { var resource_parts = form_obj.action.replace(/^http(s)?:\/\//ig, "").split("/"); var resource_type = this.getResourceType(form_obj, config); //debugger; this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = resource_type; //this.tracking_fields.resource_host_name.val = resource_parts[0]; //this.tracking_fields.resource_path.val = form_obj.action; //this.tracking_fields.resource_data.val = form_obj.action; this.trackIt(config); setTimeout("form_obj.submit();", this.track_delay); return false; } SpringTrack.prototype.trackSearch = function(config) { this.tracking_fields.resource_type.val = this.getResourceType(null, config); this.tracking_fields.search_terms.val = ( typeof(config.search_terms) !== "undefined" ? config.search_terms : "" ); this.trackIt(config); } // Instantiate global tracking object. var SpringTrack = new SpringTrack();