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Life Stories: A Cornea Recipient Sees Life Much Clearer

Christina Janis Christina Janis

Cornea Recipient: Kyle, SD

Sharing is a way of life for Lakota communities and families—and celebrates a deep spiritual link they have with one another. Because of the generosity of a cornea donor, things are much clearer for Christina Janis since her first cornea transplant in 2004. For many years, Christina’s vision was deteriorating from eye disease—even glasses could not help her see clearly. A donated cornea restored Christina’s sight. She had a second cornea transplant in 2005, and now enjoys being even more active in the outdoors. Christina says, “The giving of oneself is just the ultimate way of saying thank you for being created.”

Christina’s story is courtesy of South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Sioux Falls, SD.

“The giving of oneself is just the ultimate way of saying thank you for being created.”

— Christina Janis


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