
News, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Acquisition Process

Three processes cooperate to deliver capabilities needed by warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (DAS); and the program and budget development process (PPBE). Includes links to DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources:


Information on career management, the DoD Human Capital Initiative, career planning, leader­ship training, over­arching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.


Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

of Practice

Links to communities of practice and special interest areas, the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities, community highlights, and links to related communities.

Training and
Continuous Learning

Information on training and continuous learning that supports DoD acquisition, information that helps manage professional training portfolios, and information on training available from DAU and DoD and Services activities.


Information on DoD industry partners that helps the participation and execution of DoD processes; including industry support pages, news, information, and links to private sector acquisition contractors.


Functional Gateways

Fifteen functional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields.

Special Topics

Better Buying Power

News, policy, and media that support greater value and efficiency in defense acquisition.



   Home Skip Navigation LinksMilestone Document Identification (MDID)

List of All ACAT Documents (68)

Documents Required by Statute (25) MDD MS A Pre EMD MS B MS C FRP DR

Documents Required by Regulation (43) MDD MS A Pre EMD MS B MS C FRP DR

View All Requirements

Click the View All button to reset the list and view all requirements:

Filter the List by ACAT

Select any of these Acquisition Categories to filter the list:

Filter the List by Milestone

Select any/multiple of these milestones or decision points to filter the list:

Filter the List by Keyword

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phase 1 Material Solution Analysis Phase
phase 2 Technology Development Phase
phase 3 Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase
phase 4 Production and Deployment Phase
check mark Document is required

Abbreviations and Terms

The following is a list of abbreviations used in this page. Click on each term for more information.

ACAT Acquisition Category
FRP Full-Rate Production
LRIP Low-Rate, Initial Production
MAIS Major Automated Information System
MDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program
MDA Milestone Decision Authority
MDD Materiel Development Decision
Pre-EMD Pre-Engineering and Manufacturing Development
