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Consolidated Planning

The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions. The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities…
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The eCon Planning Suite

New Consolidated Planning Tools! In May 2012, HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) introduced the eCon Planning Suite, including the Consolidated Plan template in IDIS OnLine and the CPD Maps website. By creating a more cohesive planning and grants management framework and providing better data and a tool for analysis, the eCon Planning Suite supports grantees and the public to assess their needs and make strategic investment decisions.

The Consolidated Plan template in IDIS facilitates the planning process by making critical data on housing and community development needs readily accessible to grantees in the format required by HUD. By providing detailed and timely demographic, housing affordability and economic data, the template frees up time formerly spent searching out and compiling data to allow grantees to focus on understanding the data, further boosting the process beyond simple compliance with reporting and budgeting requirements. Moreover, by providing a standard format for all the required Consolidated Plan elements, HUD is providing clear guidance on when requirements will be met...
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CPD Maps is an online data mapping tool for place-based planning. Grantees and the public can use CPD Maps to analyze and compare housing and economic conditions across their jurisdictions. The CPD Maps tool is publicly available, giving all community stakeholders access to the same data. The Consolidated Plan template allows grantees to insert maps and data tables from CPD Maps with ease, throughout their plan.

Go To CPD Maps

Press & News
HUD Unveils Online App to Help Grant Spending Hit Home

Press Release - HUD Launches Overhaul of Consolidated Planning Process

Blog Post: A Revolution in Planning

White House Blog Post

New Consolidated Plan Better Supports Community Investment Decisions

Webinar Recordings
View HUD webinar recordings and find other training materials for the eCon Planning Suite on the OneCPD Resource Exchange

Content current as of 28 June 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top