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Corps of Engineers builds another facility for ANSF

Afghan Civil Order Police led by Brig. Gen. Muhiuddin Sarwari (right) take possession of a box of keys that fit the doors of their new facility near Kandahar City. (Photo by Karla Marshall)

Karla Marshall
USACE - Afghanistan Engineer District - South

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (Oct. 15, 2012) —
Afghan National Civil Order Police took possession of a new service support battalion compound near Kandahar Oct. 10. The facilities, completed with minimal delay and within budget, will enable Afghan police to live and train near the people they serve and protect.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Afghanistan Engineer District-South turned over the nearly $17 million facility to the 2nd Brigade Afghan National Civil Order Police along with keys, schematics and other maintenance and operations documentation.

“This project included roads, utilities, buildings, force protection measures and site security,” said D’Lorah Small, South District project manager.

The project began in June 2011 and includes barracks for both women and men, a dining facility, training areas, administration buildings, vehicle maintenance facilities and on-site water and power infrastructure.

“The diligent efforts by the contractor, our local quality assurance support and district team made the SSB project a success,” said Jason Riharb, South District project engineer.

Civil order police rely on service support battalions for logistical support.

“The civil order police play a crucial role in stabilizing Afghanistan,” said Afghanistan Engineer District-South commander Army Col. Vincent Quarles. “I am very proud of our engineers and project delivery team who managed this project to successful completion within budget and with minimal delay. The Kandahar Service Support Battalion will be well served by these high quality facilities.”

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