Reauthorization Expiration Dates

The United States Congress often enacts legislation to establish a federal program, prescribe a federal function, or allow a particular federal obligation or expenditure within a program for only a specific period of time. Note that often legislative authorities expire, but continue to be receive appropriations pending Congressional reauthorization.

Expires 9/30/2002 (2003 Budget)

  • Child Care and Development Block Grant – Sec. 658B of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. w/Ways and Means – Senate Finance Cmte.
  • Refugee Assistance Program – Sec. 414(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and Sec. 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act – House Judiciary Cmte. – Senate Judiciary Cmte.
  • Native American Programs Act – Sec. 816 of the Native American Programs Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate Indian Affairs Cmte. (except Native Languages Program, authorized through FY 2012)

Expires 9/30/2003 (2004 Budget)

  • Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) – Sec. 674(a) of the Community Services Block Grant Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte.
  • CSBG Discretionary Programs – Sec. 674(b)(3) of the Community Services Block Grant Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte.
  •  Assets for Independence Demonstration Program – Sec. 416 of the Assets for Independence Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte.

Expires 9/30/2007 (2008 Budget)

  • Torture Victims Relief – Sec. 5(b)(1) of the Torture Victims Relief Act – House Energy and Commerce Cmte. w/House Foreign Affairs Cmte. – Senate Foreign Relations Cmte.
  • LIHEAP – Sec. 2602 of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act – House Energy and Commerce Cmte. w/Ed. and Workforce – Senate HELP Cmte.

Expires 9/30/2011 (2012 Budget)  

  • Victims of Trafficking - Sec. 113(b) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Sec. 202(d) of the Trafficking Victims Reauthorization Act of 2005 - House International Relations Cmte. w/House Judiciary - Senate Foreign Relations Cmte. w/Senate Judiciary

Expires 9/30/2012 (2013 Budget) 

  •  Head Start – Sec. 639 of the Head Start Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte.
  • Child Care Entitlement – Sec. 418 of the Social Security Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. w/Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.
  •  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – Sec. 403(a)(1)(E) and (b) of the Social Security Act – House Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte
  • TANF Supplemental Grants – Sec. 403(a)(3)(E) of the Social Security Act – House Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte. 

Expires 9/30/2013 (2014 Budget) 

  • Adoption Incentives – Sec. 473A(h) of the Social Security Act – House Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.
  • Family Connection Grants – Sec. 427 of the Social Security Act – House Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.
  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Act – Sec. 388(a) of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate Judiciary Cmte.

 Expires 9/30/2014 (2015 Budget) 

  • Personal Responsibility Education Program – Sec. 513 of the Social Security Act – House Energy and Commerce Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.
  • Abstinence Education – Sec. 510 of the Social Security Act – House Energy and Commerce Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.
  • Health Professionals Opportunity Grant – Sec. 2008 of the Social Security Act – House Energy and Commerce Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte. 

Expires 9/30/2015 (2016 Budget)

  •  CAPTA, Abandoned Infants and Adoption Opportunities – Sec. 112(a) of title I (CAPTA),  Sec. 205 of Section II (Adopt. Opps.) and Sec. 302 of Section III (Abandoned Infants) of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte.
  • Family Violence – Sec. 303(a) and (b) of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act – House Ed. and Workforce Cmte. – Senate HELP Cmte. 

 Expires 9/30/2015 (2017 Budget)

  •  Safe and Stable Families – Secs. 436 – 438 of the Social Security Act – House Ways and Means Cmte. – Senate Finance Cmte.