NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Global Scratch File System


The global scratch file system (or "global scratch") can be accessed by multiple NERSC systems. Its default quota is much larger than the Global Home quota, so it can be used to temporarily store large amounts of data.  This file system is periodically purged.

Platforms Using Global Scratch

The global scratch file system is available on all NERSC systems except PDSF.


Default global scratch quotas are 20 TB and 2,000,000 inodes. If you need more than that, fill out the Disk Quota Change Request Form.


Yes, files in global scratch file system are subject to purging.


No, Files in global scratch file system are not backed up.

Environment Variable

You can reference this file system in scripts as $GSCRATCH on Hopper or $SCRATCH on Carver, Euclid and the DTN systems.