Top Headlines

Yes on Proposition 36

Endorsement: Yes on Proposition 36

In reserving harsh penalties only for dangerous felons, it would help fix flaws in the three-strikes law.


Putting the SAT in its place

In a welcome shift, more colleges are de-emphasizing the test in their admissions processes.

A Rove 'money bomb'?

Democratic Senate candidates in tight races are already seeing an influx of money from Karl Rove-allied groups targeting them. And if Mitt Romney's campaign fades, that trend may accelerate.

Prop. 34 and death penalty dishonesty

Prop. 34 and death penalty dishonesty

We stopped being shocked by flagrantly dishonest campaign claims long ago, but sometimes the disingenuousness is so flagrant that it still...

L.A.'s pension path

L.A.'s pension path

The City Council on Tuesday will consider a sharp rollback in pensions for newly hired employees, offering them lower benefits with less...

L.A.'s battle of the bus ads

L.A.'s battle of the bus ads

From the ambulance-chaser sign on the back to the wrap across the side touting Hollywood's latest, a Los Angeles County bus sometimes...

America's detainee problem

America's detainee problem

In a conventional war, enemy soldiers can be captured and held as prisoners of war until the end of combat. In the criminal justice system,...

Howard Berman in the 30th Congressional District

Howard Berman in the 30th Congressional District

In June, San Fernando Valley voters winnowed a field of seven candidates for the 30th Congressional District seat to the two clear leaders:...

 Putting a lid on L.A.'s pot dispensaries

Putting a lid on L.A.'s pot dispensaries

The Los Angeles City Council first welcomed medical marijuana dispensaries, then tried to regulate them, then tried to ban them. The ban has...

 Let go of 'Government Motors'

Let go of 'Government Motors'

The taxpayer bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler kept the companies afloat while they went through bankruptcy, averting liquidations...

Ease up, El Monte

Ease up, El Monte

When a group of lifeguards and water safety instructors for the El Monte Aquatic Center got fired for making a video spoofing the hyper-...

Giving immigrant detainees a break

Giving immigrant detainees a break

U.S. District Judge Terry J. Hatter Jr. last week ordered the Obama administration to provide bail hearings for certain immigrants who...

Huddle up on AEG

Huddle up on AEG

For more than two years, Los Angeles city officials have been negotiating with Anschutz Entertainment Group to build a downtown stadium...

Defusing Israel's 'detonator' strategy

Defusing Israel's 'detonator' strategy

Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed general who led Israel to military victories in the 1956 Suez war and the Six-Day War of 1967, believed in what he...

Cesar Chavez, flawed hero of the fields

Cesar Chavez, flawed hero of the fields

Cesar Chavez died in 1993, but the Mexican American labor leader's prominence continues to grow. Streets in many American cities bear his...

For the record

Capital gains: A Sept. 19 Op-Ed explaining the finances among Mitt Romney's 47% who "feel entitled" said that capital gains were...

 Newton: L.A.'s pension peril

Newton: L.A.'s pension peril

There are a couple of assumptions guiding much of the civic conversation about public employee pension reform: first, that organized labor...

 The pain-at-the-pump blame game

The pain-at-the-pump blame game

With average gas prices approaching $4 nationally and already above that in California, American consumers are watching their hard-earned...

Exhibit A-word

Exhibit A-word

Other vulgarities have their defenders, but the "A-word" gets little respect, whether it's referring to someone's anatomy or his character....

 How to fight a food crisis

How to fight a food crisis

The drought that descended on the United States this summer will translate into higher prices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The...

Think globally, America

Think globally, America

The outcome of November's presidential election will affect the entire world. Yet until the attack on our consulate in Libya, issues of...

Kinsley: Homer Simpson for president

Kinsley: Homer Simpson for president

Ayn Rand, the favorite author of many geeky teenage boys (who generally grow out of it) and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan...

A death at Gitmo

A death at Gitmo

On Sept. 8, one of my nightmares came true. Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a client of mine who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention...