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Understanding Breast Changes: A Health Guide for Women

  • Posted: 01/01/2011

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Getting the Support You Need

It can be upsetting to notice a breast change, to get an abnormal test result, or to learn about a new condition or disease. We hope that the information in this booklet has answered some of your questions and calmed some of your fears as you talk with your health care provider and get the follow-up care you need.

Many women choose to get extra help and support for themselves. It may help to think about people who have been there for you during challenging times in the past.

  • Ask friends or loved ones for support. Take someone with you while you are learning about your testing and treatment choices.
  • Ask your health care provider to:
    • Explain medical terms that are new or confusing
    • Share with you how other people have handled the types of feelings that you are having
    • Tell you about specialists that you can talk with to learn more
  • Get in touch with the organizations listed in Resources to Learn More to learn more.
"I tried not to let the worries of tomorrow bother me today. It meant figuring out what I could and could not control. Talking with other women helped me."