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Insurance Programs

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Increasing or Decreasing Your Life Insurance Coverage

Q. Do I have to wait for an Open Season to enroll in the Program?

A. No. You can always request a Standard Form 2822Adobe Acrobat Version [349 KB] (Request for Insurance) from your human resources office or from the FEGLI website and obtain a physical. If the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) approves your request, you are automatically enrolled in Basic. If you want Optional insurance as well as Basic, you can enroll in Option A and/or Option B within 60 days from the date of OFEGLI's approval. You cannot enroll in Option C by getting a physical.

Also, you may enroll in Basic, Option A, Option B and/or Option C or increase your current Option B and/or Option C coverage upon marriage, divorce, death of spouse or acquisition of eligible children, within 60 days after the life event.

Q. What is a FEGLI qualifying life event?

A. A FEGLI qualifying life event includes marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, or acquisition of a child.

Q. How do I elect or increase my coverage based on a FEGLI qualifying Life Event?

You may elect Basic, Option A, Option B and Option C based on a FEGLI qualifying life event. In addition, you may increase the number of multiples of Option B and/or Option C. You may elect any number of multiples for Option B and Option C as long as the total number of multiples for each option does not exceed 5.

You can increase your coverage based on a life event by completing a Life Insurance Election(Standard Form 2817Fillable PDF file [159 KB]). You must submit the SF 2817 to your human resources office within 60 calendar days after the date of the event.

You can file the SF 2817 before the life event and provide proof of the event no later than 60 calendar days following the event.

Q. It has been over 60 days since my life event. Can I still elect FEGLI coverage?

Within 6 months of your life event, the human resources office at your employing agency may determine that you were unable, for reasons beyond your control, to elect or increase FEGLI insurance within the time limit. If your agency determines that you can make an election, you have 60 days from the date of your agency determination to elect or increase FEGLI coverage. OPM is not involved in this determination; it is made by the agency.

Can I increase my FEGLI coverage if I am deployed as a civilian in support of a contingency operation?

Yes, Public Law 110-417, the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act, allows new opportunities for certain employees. The new election applies if you are a civilian employee eligible for FEGLI who is deployed in support of a contingency operation as defined by section 101 (a) (13) of Title 10. You may elect Basic, Option A and Option B (up to the maximum of 5 multiples). You must make the election on the SF 2817 Fillable PDF file [278 KB] (or its electronic equivalent) within 60 days after the date of notification of your deployment in support of a contingency operation. Contact your employing agency human resources office for more information. See more details in BAL 08-204 PDF file [45 KB].

Can I increase my FEGLI coverage if I am a civilian employee in the Department of Defense who is designated as "emergency essential?"

Yes, Public Law 110-417, the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act allows new opportunities for certain employees. The new election applies if you are a civilian employee in the Department of Defense eligible for FEGLI who is designated as "emergency essential" under section 1580 of Title 10. You may elect Basic, Option A and Option B (up to the maximum of 5 multiples). You must make the election on the SF 2817 Fillable PDF file [278 KB] (or its electronic equivalent) within 60 days of the date of the notification of the designation as an emergency essential employee. Contact your employing agency human resources office for more information. See more details in BAL 08-204 PDF file [45 KB].

Q. How do I enroll or increase my coverage by getting a physical?

A. If at least one year has passed since the effective date of your last waiver of life insurance coverage (if you did not elect the coverage it is considered waived), you may get a physical exam at your own expense using the Request for Life Insurance (Standard Form 2822Adobe Acrobat Version [349 KB]). You and your human resources office must complete part of the form. You then take the form to your physician. He or she will then complete the rest of the form and send it to the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI). If OFEGLI approves your request, they will notify your human resources office. Your human resources office will automatically enroll you in Basic insurance, unless you already have Basic. You will have 60 days to election Option A and/or Option B or increase your Option B multiples.

Q. When will the new coverage be effective?

A. Your enrollment in Basic will be effective on the first day you are at work on or after the date OFEGLI approves your request. Your enrollment in Option A and/or Option B will be effective on the first day you are at work in a pay and duty status on or after the date OFEGLI approves your request and your human resources office receives your Life Insurance Election (Standard Form 2817Fillable PDF file [159 KB]) electing such coverage. If you are not at work in a pay and duty status within 60 calendar days after OFEGLI’s approval, the approval is revoked automatically.

Q. How long does it take if I am electing more coverage by getting a physical?

A. It takes the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) an average of one week to process an election to enroll or increase coverage by getting a physical. If more than one week has passed since your doctor sent your request to OFEGLI and your human resources office has not yet received a decision, you can check on the status by calling OFEGLI at 1-800-633-4542.

Q. If I get a physical and am approved, can I also elect Option C?

A. No. Employees can only enroll in Basic, Option A and Option B this way. Obtaining a physical does not allow you to enroll in Option C. You must either enroll during an unrestricted Open Season or else in connection with a life event — marriage, divorce, death of spouse or acquisition of eligible children.

Q. When is the next Open Season?

A. There is no date certain. Life insurance Open Seasons are held infrequently and you should not count on one occurring any time soon. You will receive plenty of notice if and when there is an Open Season. The most recent FEGLI Open Seasons were held from September 1 - September 30, 2004 and in 1999.

Q. Do I need to wait until an Open Season in order to cancel my insurance?

A. No. You may cancel life insurance coverage at any time, unless you have assigned your life insurance. However, you should be aware that your opportunities to re-enroll are limited.

Q. I am a Federal employee. How do I cancel (waive) or reduce my coverage?

A. Unless you assign your life insurance, you may cancel (waive) your Basic insurance at any time by completing the Life Insurance Election (Standard Form 2817Fillable PDF file [159 KB]) and submitting it to your human resources office. When you cancel Basic insurance, you automatically cancel all forms of Optional insurance.

You may cancel (waive) any or all types of Optional insurance by signing for only the types of insurance you have and want to keep, on the Life Insurance Election (Standard Form 2817 Fillable PDF file [159 KB]). Remember, if you do not sign for a particular type of insurance, you have canceled (waived) it.

Life insurance coverage and deductions for the coverage you cancel(waive) stop at the end of the last day of the pay period in which your human resources office receives your election form canceling (waiving) the coverage.

Exception: If you cancel Option C because you don't have any eligible family members, the effective date is retroactive to the end of the pay period in which there stopped being any ELIGIBLE family members.

Q. I am a Federal retiree. How do I cancel (waive) or reduce my coverage?

A. Federal retirees, unless they have assigned their life insurance, may cancel Basic or Optional life insurance coverage at any time. If you cancel Basic, you automatically cancel all forms of Optional insurance. If you elected 50% or No Reduction for your Basic life insurance, you may cancel this additional coverage at any time. You may only change to 75% Reduction. If you have Option A - Standard insurance, you may cancel it at any time. You may reduce (or cancel) the amount of your Option B - Additional and Option C - Family insurance at any time. Any cancellation or reduction of life insurance coverage must be in writing and have an original signature by the insured retiree. Be sure to include your retirement claim number (CSA number) or social security number and specify what action you want taken. Please note you cannot increase your coverage after retirement, or reinstate any coverage that you cancel.

Write to:

U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Retirement Operations Center
P.O. Box 45
Boyers, PA 16017-0045

Q. If I get married or acquire a child, do I then qualify to enroll in the Program?

A. Yes, a FEGLI qualifying life event (marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, or acquisition of a child) allows you to elect Basic and all Optional coverage (Option A, B and C). An employee must enroll within 60 calendar days following the event by completing the Life Insurance Election (Standard Form 2817 Fillable PDF file [159 KB]) Your agency may ask for proof of the life event.