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Contracting Officers Representative


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This COR Community of Practice (CoP) supports you and other COR community members by providing a central clearinghouse of knowledge and learning assets as well as foster the sharing of best practices and lessons learned within the COR Forum Area. Additionally, the CoP serves as a collaborative resource tool to aid learners with the new online COR course. Your participation is appreciated and necessary to increase the information knowledge base within the COR CoP.

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  • Private wrote " This capability, initially developed by U.S. Army, Communications and Electronics Command, and subsequently adopted by the Army leadership, has been adapted for use by the DoD. The Army will be the executive agent to maintain this electronic capability until further notice. This capability will allow components and defense agencies to electronically track Contracting Officer Representative (COR) nominations, appointments, terminations and training certifications across DoD. " created Apr 4, 2011
  • Private wrote "Section 813 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007 required the Department to establish a Panel on Contracting Integrity (Panel) to identify contracting vulnerabilities that may lead to fraud, waste, and abuse in the defense contracting system. The Panel identified surveillance of services acquisitions as an area of vulnerability. The Panel's Sufficient Contract Surveillance subcommittee developed a DoD COR certification standard, which defines minimum COR competencies, experience, and training according to the nature and complexity of the requirement and contract performance risk." created Apr 4, 2011
  • Private wrote "Report No. D-2010-059 Contingency Contracting-Framework for Reform" created Mar 2, 2011

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Date CreatedThursday, August 25, 2005 10:03 AM
Date ModifiedThursday, October 18, 2012 3:47 PM
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