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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   Multifamily   >   TRACS   >   Multifamily Housing - TRACS
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS)
TRACS is a HUD computer system developed to help improve financial controls over assisted housing programs by automating manual procedures and incorporating automated controls.
 - Secure Sign-in
 - Apply for user ID and Password
 - Industry User Guide for TRACS Internet Applications
 - Industry Quick Reference Guide for TRACS Manual
Voucher Submission
 - Discussion Forum
 - Documents
 - Announcements
   -  TRACS Industry Meeting (March 2012)
      -  Registration: (needs to be completed by Friday March 9th, 2012)
   -  Guide to Getting Paid When Vouchers Are "Flagged" or "Rejected" in TRACS
 -  Archived announcments prior to 2009
 - TRACS Industry Meetings

Security Training Requirements

 - TRACS Tenant Characteristics Report