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There are a number of tools that can be used to access NERSC HPSS:

HSI Usage

HSI provides a unix-like interface into HPSS and can be used both interactively and non-interactively. Read More »

HSI Configuration and Installation

How to configure and install HSI Read More »

HTAR Usage

HTAR is similar to unix tar and is the recommended utility for archiving small files. Read More »

HTAR Configuration and Installation

HTAR is an archival utility similar to gnu-tar that allows for the archiving and extraction of local files into and out of HPSS.  Configuration Instructions This distribution has default configuration settings which will work for most environments.  If you want to use the default values (recommended) you can skip to the section labeled INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.  In certain environments, for example if your installation is on a machine which has more than one network interface, you may want… Read More »

Firewall Considerations

Most firewalls are configured to deny incoming network connections unless access is explicitly granted.  Systems running HTAR or HSI (with Firewall Mode set to off) must accept network connections which are initiated by the HPSS movers at NERSC.  By default HSI is configured with Firewall Mode set to on and will usually work without any firewall changes.  To configure your system to allow connections from HPSS movers at NERSC, you will need to grant access for TCP connections originating … Read More »


Files can be transferred to and from HPSS via the standard internet protocol FTP. Read More »


PFTP is a high-performance FTP client that transfers data in parallel for high bandwidth transfers. Read More »

gridFTP uses a special GSI enabled pftp server to enable GridFTP transfers... Read More »