Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Teacher Programs

Local ASM Material Camp participants in their personnel protective equipment performing a group experiment in the lab.

Local ASM Material Camp participants in their personnel protective equipment performing a group experiment in the lab. (larger image)

Ashfia Huq (front), instrument scientist for the SNS Powder Diffractometer, explains neutron diffractometry to teachers participating in the STARs program.

Ashfia Huq (front), instrument scientist for the SNS Powder Diffractometer, explains neutron diffractometry to teachers participating in the STARs program. (larger image)

NScD strongly supports the following K-12 educational activities in order to augment and support science teachers.

  • ASM Material CampĀ® Teachers Camp—These week-long programs provide hands-on experience that show teachers how to use applied engineering techniques in the classroom. Camps are held across North America, usually at high schools, colleges, and universities. Camps usually last five days and can require over-night stays or just day visits.

  • Academies Creating Teacher-Scientists Professional Development Program (ACTS)—Through ACTS, teachers from all over the United States come to ORNL for three consecutive summers to participate in research with leading scientists. The teachers gain valuable knowledge and experience that they can take back to their own schools. The three-year investment gives teachers a sustained opportunity to learn and make a difference at the Lab and with their students back home.

  • Siemens Teachers as Researchers (STARs)—STARs provides middle school and high school STEM teachers the opportunity to engage with top scientists and researchers on short-term research projects about current topics of national interest that are related to ongoing research at ORNL. In addition to the research immersion, we provide additional educational enhancements throughout the program in the form of seminars, mini-workshops, tours, and field trips to focus and expand the research experience.