United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Sports \ Community Programs

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Our Grant Program

Are you a community-based program interested in or already serving Veterans through adaptive sports programs? Consider applying to the VA Paralympic Grant Program.

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Sports / community programs

Providing Sports to Local Disabled Veterans

Looking for more information on adaptive cycling? Want to join a wheelchair basketball team but don't know where to start?

Many communities across the country are home to organizations dedicated to providing sports and recreation activities to people with physical, cognitive (e.g., PTSD, TBI) and visual disabilities, including disabled Veterans. Programs may be offered through your city's Parks and Recreation department, a local rehabilitation hospital, or an independent organization that has been established in your area.

Each community-based program offers a variety of sports and activities and aims to serve all ages and all levels of ability. No previous experience is required when starting up with a local club and many organizations are able to offer adaptive equipment for you to try out during activities and practice sessions.

  • Find a Program. The Sports Club Finder allows you to find a program in your community so you can get active whenever you are ready. VA clinical staff can help you access adaptive equipment and other resources to support you further.
  • Moving? About to be discharged from a VA facility and want to learn how to continue participating in adaptive sports once you get home? Talk to your VA clinical team about transitioning from your VA adaptive sports program to one in your community.

Is Your Organization Interested in Becoming a Paralympic Sports Club?

Do you know of a local Parks and Recreation department, non-profit organization or other community-based organization that offers adaptive sports opportunities but isn't a Paralympic Sport Club member through the U.S. Olympic Committee? Some of the many benefits of being a Paralympic Sports Club that serves disabled Veterans include:

  • a license to use the Paralympic Sport Club logo and banner.
  • eligibility to host a Paralympic Experience annually in the Local Operator's State or region with a grant of $250 and access to an athlete from the Paralympic Ambassador Program.
  • grant opportunities through the Grant Program / Olympic Opportunity Fund to enhance and expand programming.
  • ability to post news releases and other promotional information on the U.S. Paralympics website and in other U.S. Paralympics communications tools within parameters established by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC).
  • discounted Volunteer Management and Background Check Program through the National Recreation and Parks Association.

For more information on how your organization can apply to become a Paralympic Sport Club, send an email to paralympicinfo@usoc.org.

Want to learn more about programs and services related to healthcare, employment, education and other topics? Visit the National Resource Directory (www.NRD.gov).