Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1910
• Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• Subpart: G
• Subpart Title: Occupational Health and Environmental Control
• Standard Number: 1910.95 App H
• Title: Availability of referenced documents

Paragraphs (c) through (o) of 29 CFR 1910.95 and the accompanying appendices contain provisions which incorporate publications by reference. Generally, the publications provide criteria for instruments to be used in monitoring and audiometric testing. These criteria are intended to be mandatory when so indicated in the applicable paragraphs of 1910.95 and appendices.

It should be noted that OSHA does not require that employers purchase a copy of the referenced publications. Employers, however, may desire to obtain a copy of the referenced publications for their own information.

The designation of the paragraph of the standard in which the referenced publications appear, the titles of the publications, and the availability of the publications are as follows:


  Paragraph         Referenced                Available
 designation        publication                from --

Appendix B .....  "List of Personal Hearing    National Technical
                   Protectors and               Information
                   Attenuation Data,"           Service,
                   HEW Pub. No. 76-120,         Port Royal Road,
                   1975. NTIS-PB267461.         Springfield, VA

Appendix D .....  "Specification for Sound     American National
                   Level Meters,"               Standards
                   S1.4-1971 (R1976).           Institute, Inc.,
                                                1430 Broadway,
                                                New York, NY

Appendix E  ...  "Specifications for          American National
                   Audiometers,"                Standards
                   S3.6-1969.                   Institute, Inc.,
                                                1430 Broadway,
                                                New York, NY

Appendix D .....  "Specification for Octave,   Back Numbers
                   Half-Octave and              Department,
                   Third-Octave Band            Dept. STD,
                   Filter Sets,"                American
                   S1.11-1971 (R1976).          Institute of
                                                333 E. 45th St.,
                                                New York, NY
                                                American National
                                                Institute, Inc.,
                                                1430 Broadway,
                                                New York, NY


The referenced publications (or a microfiche of the publications) are available for review at many universities and public libraries throughout the country. These publications may also be examined at the OSHA Technical Data Center, Room N2439, United States Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210, (202) 219-7500 or at any OSHA Regional Office (see telephone directories under United States Government - Labor Department).

[61 FR 9227, March 7, 1996]

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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents