BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publication Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation, 1995

Thomas P. Bonczar, Christopher J. Mumola

March 22, 1998    NCJ 166611

Presents data from the 1995 Survey of Adults on Probation concerning probationers' use of alcohol and illegal drugs and substance abuse treatment they received. Numeric tables present data on prior alcohol and drug abuse by type of drug, type of offense, severity of prior substance abuse, and offender sex, age, and race. Data on the incidence of various alcohol/drug-related behaviors, such as domestic disputes and driving under the influence, are also included. This BJS Special Report also presents numeric tables on the prevalence of alcohol dependence, as well as the frequency of drug testing and types of treatment during probation.

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1995 Survey of Adults on Probation (SAP)

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