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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Elder Justice Roundtable: Introduction

On October 18, 2000, the U.S. Department of Justice convened this roundtable discussion to focus on the medical forensic aspects of elder abuse and neglect. Participants were asked to submit a brief paper addressing one or more of the four discussion topics in advance of the roundtable. Those papers are included as appendixes to this report, along with a copy of the agenda, a transcript of the discussion (with a word index), and lists of participants and observers.

Because of the breadth and complexity of the subjects to be covered during a short time, the scope of the discussion was limited. For example, although they are important topics in their own right, financial abuse and exploitation, self-neglect, and end-of-life decisions were not within the scope of the roundtable discussion.

Participants were asked to consider how they would apply the ideas discussed at the Forum to their individual institutions or practices.

To encourage a productive conversation that would allow contributions from all, participants were asked not to present lectures. To begin dialogue on each topic, one person was asked to make introductory comments, followed by a first responder. About one hour was devoted to each of four subject areas.

The Attorney General joined the discussion for about one hour. During this time, she was presented with representative views and recommendations and engaged in discussion with the participants, followed by a wrapup.

Numerous participants urged that momentum of the Roundtable discussion be continued in some form. Participants also encouraged the U.S. Department of Justice to continue its elder justice efforts.

Date Created: October 18, 2000