Federally Listed


Kirtland's Warbler: A Success Story of Cooperative Conservation on Saving an Endangered Species - Monograph, March 2012 (Legacy 10-119) (PDF)

The purpose of this project is to interview remaining early team members and partners of the Kirtland Warbler Working Group, to gather the papers, pictures and videos that document the history of the team's recovery planning process, and to summarize and archive these items to share with the conservation community, present and future.

Determining Marine Migration Patterns and Behavior of Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf of Mexico off Eglin Air Force Base, Florida - Final Report, January 2012 (Legacy 10-428) (PDF)

This report is a compilation of data and information covering three years of monitoring and significantly expands on knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of Gulf sturgeon. Prior to this project it was not known where Gulf sturgeon traveled during the winter months in the Gulf of Mexico. The results of this study provide an abundance of data and analyses that can be utilized for Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 consultations, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and a multitude of other environmental management applications. These findings are not only applicable to Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), but may also benefit other DoD installations around the Gulf Coast such as Tyndall AFB, Naval Air Station Pensacola, Naval Station Pascagoula, and Keesler AFB.

Determining Marine Migration Patterns and Behavior of Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf of Mexico off of Eglin Air Force Base - Technical Report September 2010 (Legacy 09-428) (PDF)

This project was to utilize acoustic tracking technology to elucidate Gulf sturgeon behavior in the Gulf of Mexico critical habitat of Northwest Florida. The combined efforts of the 2008 Pilot Study and the 2009 Legacy Study have allowed Eglin to determine Gulf sturgeon presence and movement patterns within critical habitat areas surrounding Eglin Air Force Base. Other important topics addressed in this report include movement patterns of Gulf sturgeon from different river systems, identification of potential hot spots within the Gulf of Mexico portion of the study area, river fidelity of the Gulf sturgeon in this sample, and level of performance of the acoustic technology utilized in this study in a harsh marine environment.

Threatened, Endangered, and At-risk Species Interagency Research Coordination Manual (Legacy 09-453) (PDF)

A Study of Insect Pollinators Associated with DoD TER-S Flowering Plants, Including Identification of Habitat Types Where They Co-Occur by Military Installation in the Southeastern United States - Final Report December 2010 (Legacy 09-391) (PDF)

This report identifies the known or most likely pollinators for TERS plants species found on installations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, thus filling an important information gap which could help with management, restoration and recovery efforts.

Cooperative Red-cockaded Woodpecker Translocation Strategy throughout the Southeast - Final Report, June 2011 (Legacy 08-412) (PDF)

Since the early 1990s, the use of translocations as a management strategy has served to expedite RCW recovery throughout their range. The objective of this project was to expand translocation efforts regionally by providing additional staffing resources (i.e., translocation biologists) and expanding translocation efforts into South and North Carolina. This report details the monitoring of 100 RCW groups, banding efforts, roost cavity, and the trapping  and translocation of subadult RCWs from the pool of 100 groups monitored.

Landscape-Level Habitat Associations and Phylogenetics of Desert Tortoises on Southwestern Arizona Military Ranges Managed by the Army, Air Force, and Marines - Technical Report July 2010  (Legacy 08-385) (PDF)

The objective of this study was to develop a landscape-level predictive habitat model for desert tortoises inhabiting the Yuma Proving Ground and Barry M. Goldwater Range - an area that represents the largest tracts of relatively undisturbed Sonoran Desert habitat in the southwestern United States. This model, validated with tortoise movement data, will be used to identify areas where desert tortoise occupancy is most likely and guide tortoise conservation planning on these ranges.

A Study of Insect Pollinators Associated with DoD TER-S Flowering Plants, Including Identification of Habitat Types Where They Co-Occur by Military Installation in the Western United States-Final Report April 2010 (Legacy 08-391): (PDF)

A Study of Insect Pollinators Associated with DoD TER-S Flowering Plants, Including Identification of Habitat Types Where They Co-Occur by Military Installation in the Western United States.

Listed Plant Species Evaluation, March 2009  (Legacy 07-368): (PDF)

The purpose of this Legacy-funded project is to evaluate the status of existing ex situ plant material of 185 federally listed and candidate plant species occurring on DoD sites. The resulting report details the species and accompanying species information with existing ex situ plant material, existing ex situ plant material from multiple collection sites (DoD and non-DoD), and species without ex situ plant material. The species information will facilitate setting priorities, budgets, and planning for any future ex situ work by individual DoD services and on specific DoD installations.

DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

These proceedings detail the DoDs Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), and Legacy Resource Management Program (Legacy)-sponsored workshop held on 6-8 June 2006 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The specific objectives were to: 1) identify and prioritize TER-S management needs among the Pacific Region Islands; 2) examine the current state of practice within DoD for TER-S management; 3) identify the gaps in knowledge, technology, and management; and 4) prioritize investment opportunities to address these gaps. To achieve these objectives, workshop sponsors and organizers brought together a broad spectrum of discipline experts from the research and management communities, including federal and state agencies, academia, and the non-governmental conservation community. This proceedings document summarizes workshop discussions and identifies priority information gaps.

Establishing New Pathways to the Recovery of Species Under the Endangered Species Act - Final Report, March 2008 (Legacy 06-330) (PDF)

The value of military reservations to federally listed threatened and endangered (T&E) species has increased as a consequence of the increased human populations and resulting urban, suburban, and rural development.  The primary objectives of this project were to 1) assess the recovery status of T&E species on Department of Defense installation lands, 2) identify success stories, 3) compare the status of T&E species on military lands with those not found on military lands, 4) identify those T&E species that could be future success stories in relatively short time periods, 5) develop realistic time frames for evaluating the recovery status of a listed species, and 6) identify management practices on DoD lands that could prove effective in general species recovery.

Conserve Gray Bat to Achieve Recovery: Survey of Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Summer Caves in Tennessee - Survey Report, July 2006 (Legacy 06-297) (PDF)

Due to human disturbance at roost sites, populations of gray bats (Myotis grisescens) were declining in the 1960's and 1970's. The gray bat was listed as endangered species in 1976.  Since its initial listing, the gray bat population has increased throughout most of its range. In 2005 there were discussions about the possibility of down-listing their status to "threatened". As part of this process, the need for updated population estimates was identified. This project was initiated to compile needed data on the population of gray bats in Tennessee during the summer.

Conserving Integral Units of Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity: Population Dynamics for Recently Introduced Populations of White Sands Pupfish - Preliminary Report, February 2006 (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

The translocation of wild animals to establish or re-establish additional populations has become a common management strategy and yet such populations are rarely well monitored. This is especially critical during early establishment as such populations may experience un-documented demographic bottlenecks and a loss of genetic variation. Desert fish have been extensively translocated. The genetic effects of such transplants have been studied for various pupfish species however, replicated transplants have rarely been conducted offering an opportunity to evaluate the likelihood that such populations diverge from each other as well as from the source population. This report details the demographic data for 7 experimental populations of the White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa).

Conserving Integral Units of Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity: High Allelic Richness and Population Divergence for an Expressed Nuclear Gene in an Imperiled fish - Final Report, February 2006 (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Previous work on White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) using unexpressed genetic markers has shown that significant genetic differentiation exists between the two native populations located on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The two populations, which have been historically isolated, differ in parasite communities suggesting that functional differences may have evolved in immunity-related genes. This project sought to determine if the variation in studied immunity-related nuclear gene complex, the Major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) do have functional differences.

Conserving Integral Units of Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity: Local Adaptation and Costs of Parasitism for White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) by Gyrodactylus tularosae - Thesis (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

By Vinje, Jason L., M.S., Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, North Dakota State University, May 2007.

Proceedings from the Symposium  and  Workshop on TER-S on DoD and Adjacent Lands - September 2005 (Legacy 05-242) (DOC)

Chiricahua Leopard Frog(Lithobates [Rana] Chiricahuensis): Considerations for Making Effects Determinations and Recommendations for Reducing and Avoiding Adverse Effects - Updated August 2009 Report (Legacy 05-258) (PDF)

This document's goal is to focus the effects analysis of proposed Federal activities on critical elements, reduce uncertainty in determining effects, and improve and facilitate section 7 consultations that may be required under the Endangered Species Act. The CMED should be used as a guide in assessing potential effects of a proposed action to the species, but consideration must be given to site-specific information in making the final determination of effects. The CMED provides considerations in determining if the species may be in the action area of the proposed activity and, if so, possible ways in which Federal activities may affect various aspects of the species and its habitat.

Rare Plants of the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii Part I (Legacy 97-23) (PDF)

Rare Plants of the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii Part II (Legacy 97-23) (PDF)

Ecological Correlates of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (PICOIDES BOREALIS) Foraging Preference, Habitat Use and Home Range Size in Northwest Florida (EGLIN AFB) (DOC)

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Kirtland's Warbler - A Success Story of Cooperative Conservation on Saving an Endangered Species (Legacy 10-119) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Determining Marine Movement and Behavior of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf of Mexico off Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (Legacy 10-428) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Pollinators of TERS plants on DoD Installations in the SE (Legacy 09-391) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Coordination of Federal Agency Priority Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species (TER-S) Research (Legacy 09-453) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Identifying Vulnerability of Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species to Future Climate Change at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona (Legacy 09-433) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Identifying Vulnerability of Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species to Future Climate Change at Fort Huachuca, Arizona (Legacy 09-433) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Cooperative Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Translocation Strategy Throughout the Southeast (Legacy 08-412) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Pollinators of TER-S Plants on DoD Installations in Western States (Legacy 08-391) (PDF)

Fact Sheet:  Landscape-Level Habitat Associations: Desert Tortoises (Legacy 08-385) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Listed Plant Species Evaluation (Legacy 07-368) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

April 2007. This fact sheet summarizes the Pacific Islands TER-S workshop held in Honolulu HI in 2006, what was achieved and who to contact for additional information.

Fact Sheet: Establishing New Pathways to Species Recovery Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (Legacy 06-330) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Role of DoD Lands for Endangered Species Protection (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

Summarizes NatureServes update of the analysis of the distribution of imperiled and endangered species on federal lands based on current species locational data. This new analysis provides a current view of relative stewardship responsibilities of federal land management agencies, including DoD. 

Fact Sheet: Conserve Gray Bat to Achieve Recovery (Legacy 06-297) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Support Southwest Strategy Threatened and Endangered Species Program Managers (TEPM) Team (Legacy 05-258) (PDF)

Species at Risk (SAR) Assessment and Recommendations: Part II Planning and Management (Legacy 03-154) (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes a project that identified targeted SAR, determined the steps necessary to prevent any further declines in the population of the species of concern on or near the targeted military installation, expanded SAR identification to all military installations, including National Guard, targeted one of the original four target species for follow-up work, and promoted the coordination of a Grassland partnership.

Fact Sheet: Conservation Partnerships (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Fact Sheet Protecting Endangered Species on Military Lands (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: The Sonoran Pronghorn (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: ESA and Emergency Consultations for National Defense (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Fact Sheet: Successful T and E Species Recovery (DoD/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) (PDF)

Training Materials

Developmental Counseling Form DA FORM 4856: Specific to Wildlife Trade (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This is a customized DA 4856, pre-loaded with important information and advice regarding illicit wildlife trade, to aid command and troops to be deployed or currently deployed.

Leave Wildlife in the Wild (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This handy fold-up pocket card provides valuable information for soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq regarding the problem of illicit wildlife trade.

My Friends Don't Buy Snow Leopard Pelts (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This handy business card outreach item provides important cautionary information to soldiers deployed in Afghanistan about the prohibitions against illicit wildlife trade, such as snow leopard pelts, as stipulated in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora (CITES) and military regulations.

Fact Sheet: Wildlife Trade and the U.S. Military Abroad: Raising awareness and reducing demand (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

Information Fact Sheet:  Wildlife Trade Training Fact Sheet for Military Stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq (Legacy 09-444 (PDF)

This 2 page training tool details the problem of illicit wildlife trade, important laws pertaining to wildlife trade that must be followed by military personnel, the trade in Afghanistan and Iraq, what military leadership do, and valuable information sources.

DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

These proceedings detail the DoDs Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), and Legacy Resource Management Program (Legacy)-sponsored workshop held on 6-8 June 2006 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The specific objectives were to: 1) identify and prioritize TER-S management needs among the Pacific Region Islands; 2) examine the current state of practice within DoD for TER-S management; 3) identify the gaps in knowledge, technology, and management; and 4) prioritize investment opportunities to address these gaps. To achieve these objectives, workshop sponsors and organizers brought together a broad spectrum of discipline experts from the research and management communities, including federal and state agencies, academia, and the non-governmental conservation community. This proceedings document summarizes workshop discussions and identifies priority information gaps.

Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (PDF)

Speeches and Presentations

Determining Marine Migration Patterns and Behavior of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf Training Range and Santa Rosa Island Complex (Legacy 10-428) (PDF)

This presentation discusses the need and results of a multi-year effort to gather important migratory information about the Gulf sturgeon that would benefit Eglin AFB and other coastal installations within the migratory route of this species.

PowerPoint Presentation: Determining Marine Movement and Behavior of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Gulf Sturgeon Critical Habitat of the Gulf Testing and Training Range and Santa Rosa Island Complex (Legacy 09-428) (PDF)

This presentation details a project to utilize acoustic tracking technology to elucidate Gulf sturgeon behavior in the Gulf of Mexico critical habitat of Northwest Florida.

Endangered Species Act Issues Related to INRMPs and Workload Management (Gloman) (PPT)

Ms. Nancy Gloman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chief, Office of Partnerships and Outreach

Endangered Species Act Issues Related to INRMPS and Workload Management (Morgan) (PPT)

Mr. Don Morgan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Consultations


Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (PDF)

This memorandum from the Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health) provides guidance for all installation managers on Management Actions to Protect Bald Eagles after Delisting and provides additional information in the attached Bald Eagle Recovery Questions and Answers, publication from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

List of Threatened and Endangered Species on DoD Lands (as of May 2004) (PDF)

1996 Management Guidelines for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on Army Installations


Article:  Federal Lands and Endangered Species: The Role of Military Lands in Sustaining Biodiversity (PDF)

Bruce A. Stein, Cameron Scott, and Nancy Benton. This article details the findings from a Legacy study (published in BioScience, April 2008 / Vol. 58 No. 4). It explores how endangered and imperiled species are distributed across the federal estate to determine the relative stewardship responsibilities of the major federal land management agencies.

Assessment of Potential Impacts of Exotic Species on Populations of a Threatened Species, White Sands Pupfish, Cyprinodon Tularosa (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

David L. Rogowski and Craig A. Stockwell. Published in Biological Invasions (2006) 8: 79-87.

A New Genus and Species of Aquatic Gastropods (Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae) from the North American Southwest: Phlogenetic Relationships and Biogeography (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu and Craig Stockwell. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 115(1):171-188 2002.

Morphological Divergence of Native and Recently Established Populations of White Sands Pupfish [Cyprinodon tularosa] (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Michael L. Collyer, James M. Novak, and Craig A. Stockwell.  Published in Copeia, 2005(1), pp. 1-11.

Characterization of Microsatellite Markers in the Threatened Species, the White Sands Pupfish [Cyprinodon Tularosa] (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

A. Iyngar, C. Stockwell, D. Layfield, and P. Morin. Published in Molecular Ecology Notes (2004) 4 191-193.

New Species of Gyrodactylus (Monogenoidea, Gyrodactylidae) from the White Sands Pupfish, Cyprinodon Tularosa, in New Mexico (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Delane Kritsky and Craig Stockwell. Published in The Southwestern Naturalist 50 (3): 312-317 2005.

Endangered Species Management: USAF, USMC (PDF)

L. Peter Boice - Endangered Species Update, July/August Issue, 1996. This article highlights efforts by the Air Force and Marine Corps to protect endangered and threatened species on their lands.

Specificity of the Monogenean Gryodactylus tularosae Kritsky and Stockwell, 2005, to Its Natural Host, the White Sands Pupfish [Cyprinodon Tularosa Miller and Echelle 1975] (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Daniel Moen and Craig Stockwell. Published in Comparative Parasitology 73(2), 2006, pp 278-281.

Parasites and Salinity: Costly Tradeoffs in a Threatened Species (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

David L. Rogowski and Craig A. Stockwell. Published in Oecologia (2005).

Contemporary Evolution Meets Conservation Biology (Legacy 05-112) (PDF)

Craig A. Stockwell, Andrew P. Hendry and Michael T. Kinnison. Published in TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.2 February 2003.


Excel Spreadsheet: List of DoD installations with species at risk, including comprehensive information about the species at risk that occur on them-By Plant Species (Legacy 09-391) (XLS)

Excel Spreadsheet: List of DoD installations with species at risk, including comprehensive information about the species at risk that occur on them-By State (Legacy 09-391) (XLS)

An Inventory of the Significant Natural Areas of Scotland County, North Carolina - May 2005 (PDF)

TER-S Workshops

Case Study #1: Red Cockaded Woodpeckers - Debbie Fuller, FWS (PPT)

Case Study #2: Fort Leonard Wood - Russ Romme, BHE Environ (PPT)

Case Study #3: SURTASS/Acoustics - Craig Johnson, NMFS (PPT)

Emerging T and E Issues - Peter Boice (PPT)

Pitfalls to Avoid/Lessons to Learn - Tom Egeland (PPT)

Section 315 - Incidental Taking of Migratory Birds During Military Readiness Activities (PDF)

Sections 2811 and 2812 (PDF)


Multi-species Management Using Modeling and Decision Theory Applications to Integrated Natural Resources Management Planning (Legacy 05-264) (PDF)

This report aims to familiarize DoD natural resource managers with the potential of a decision theoretic approach using population models to address competing demands and consequent trade-offs in natural resources management and to provide recommendations as to how to go about it.  Includes a very user friendly and useful appendix.

Success Stories

Endangered Species Successes

Last Modified: 24 September 2012 at 14:46