Recovery Act Management and Performance System ( RAMPS )
Welcome, Guest. Login using your HUD credentials by clicking the "Login" link to the right.



This is an official US Government System for authorized use only. This system may be monitored to protect against unauthorized use. Attempts to circumvent security, use the system for unauthorized purposes, or interfere with the system, its data, or operation is prohibited. Unauthorized acts may result in criminal prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996. Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring.

Welcome to RAMPS! The Recovery Act Management and Performance System (RAMPS) is a HUD system that collects information on National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) environmental reviews and Core Activities for recipients of Recovery Act funding.

RAMPS Registration Instructions:

To request access to RAMPS, please complete and submit the form found here. Please note: HUD staff members must request access through CHAMP.

If you are “kicked back” to the login screen after clicking the login button, either your password needs to be reset or your account needs to be unlocked. For Public Housing Authority users, please contact the PIH-REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC), at 1-888-245-4860 option 2, to reset passwords. For all other users, please contact the HITS Help Desk at 1-888-297-8689.

If you have a RAMPS account but are having other difficulties logging in, such as 403 “forbidden access” or 500 internal server errors, please click here to send an e-mail to In your e-mail, include your name, your User ID, your organization’s name, and the specific type of error you are receiving.
All RAMPS users are required to re-certify every 365 days. RAMPS will disable users who have not logged into system in 365 days.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development