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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Public and Indian Housing   >   PIH   >   Public Housing   >   Proposal to Consolidate the Capital and Operating Funds
Proposal to Consolidate the Capital and Operating Funds


The Department included in its FY2013 budget a proposal to consolidate the Public Housing Capital and Operating Funds.

As a first step, the Department requested that in 2013, PHAs be given the flexibility to use their Capital and Operating Funds interchangeably, similar to the flexibility currently available to agencies with fewer than 250 units. However, beyond this first step, the Department has not made a determination about whether consolidation would involve two funding streams with permanent fungibility, or a single funding stream.

We are also interested in using this opportunity to consider other significant program changes. This is an opportunity to streamline the program and increase program flexibility. Beyond simply how PHAs are funded, the Department wants to know what comprehensive reforms could be made to empower PHAs to operate as asset managers and undertake long-term capital planning.

Give your feedback!

Given the impact that such changes will have on PHA operations, the Department will collaborate with PHAs, the industry groups, and other industry experts to get input on potential program changes.

Your feedback is invaluable. Add your voice by sending comments to

Public Housing Consolidation Proposal: Summaries of Public Listening Sessions