2012-2013 SADD National Student Leadership Council

SLC 2013

2012-2013 SADD National Student Leadership Council.

Carrie SandstromCarrie Sandstrom
2012-2013 SADD National Student of the Year

Bismarck, North Dakota

Born and raised in Bismarck, North Dakota, Carrie Sandstrom graduated from Century High School in May 2012 and is now a freshman at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Her parents, Gail Hagerty and Dale Sandstrom, both work for the state of North Dakota as a district judge and Supreme Court justice, respectively. Carrie has an older brother, Jack, a younger sister, Anne, and two Siberian forest cats, Sasha and Bociphus.

Carrie first got involved with SADD when she started school at Horizon Middle School in seventh grade. Since then she has been involved in several different aspects of the organization. In her freshman year of high school, Carrie ran for the Northern Lights Advisory Board, which works on SADD prevention programming efforts in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Carrie served as a member of that board throughout her high school career and had the honor of serving as the board's Student of the Year her senior year. During her time on the board, Carrie worked with state legislators on bills to ban texting and driving and strengthening the requirements to obtain a drivers license. She spoke at the bill signings of both pieces of legislation. Carrie also worked to address teen driver safety as a member of a community coalition on the issue.

Carrie loves the power SADD gives young people to influence their surroundings. As SADD Student of the Year, Carrie holds a seat on the SADD National Board of Directors and chairs the 7-member SADD Student Leadership Council. She also will serve as a SADD spokesperson at various conferences, media events, and public occasions. This selection makes Carrie eligible for an internship at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in Washington, D.C., during the summer of 2013.

Anesia EstradaAnesia Estrada
Executive Committee

Casa Grande, Arizona

Anesia Estrada is a sophomore at Central Arizona College in Casa Grande, Arizona. She is a recent graduate from Mission Heights Preparatory High School, also in Casa Grande. Anesia has been devoted to SADD activities for the past four years, serving in various capacities such as an historian of the Arizona SADD Student Leadership Council, president of her local chapter, and member of the 2011-2012 SADD National Student Leadership Council. She has presented social media workshops at the Arizona SADD conference as well as to local chapters. Anesia also serves as a youth representative on the Casa Grande Alliance and is the recipient of the Leona Group’s Pride of Leona award.

Anesia believes that SADD isn’t about being “against” something; it’s about being “for” something. SADD is not just a once a week extracurricular activity; it’s a lifestyle.

Anesia is an aspiring filmmaker and often makes short films with friends and family.

Laura SaldivarLaura Saldivar
Executive Committee

Algonquin, Illinois

A graduate of Harry D. Jacobs High School in Algonquin, Laura Saldivar is now a freshman at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Laura started working on prevention efforts in 7th grade, helping to establish a teen safe driving program at her high school as well as implementing the SADD chapter there and serving as its president. While in high school, Laura also served as a mentor on the National Organizations for Youth Safety’s Teen Distracted Driving Prevention Team and on the National Youth Leadership Council’s Youth Advisory Council. Additionally, she shared the youth perspective as an active participant on the Illinois SADD Student Advisory Board, Illinois National Safety Council Coalition, Youth Service America Youth Council, Illinois Governor’s Service-Learning Board, Corporation for National and Community Service’s Youth Council, and the National Institute for Drug Abuse’s Teen Board.

Laura helped to start a county-wide SADD coalition and helped other high schools launch their own prevention initiatives. During high school, Laura enjoyed cheerleading and serving as a varsity captain for shot put. Currently, Laura serves as an intern for the National Safety Council.

Laura is passionate about SADD because it is an inclusive club that brings together diverse groups of youth to solve real world issues and to save lives.

Kylie GilmoreKylie Gilmore
Mill Hall, Pennsylvania

Kylie Gilmore is a senior at Central Mountain High School in Mill Hall, Pennsylvania, where she has been an active SADD member for four years. For the past three years, Kylie has served as president of her chapter, and, together, they have collaborated with agencies such as the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) to design a statewide campaign based on safe driving.

Kylie works closely with the administration at her school to put on various assemblies such as a mock crash and she has even hosted a conference at her school. Kylie believes that SADD is a place where she can be herself and spend time with people who share the common goal of making the world a safer place.

Outside of SADD, Kylie is a football cheerleader and basketball player. She also enjoys spending time with her friends and family.

Mohammed Maaz RehanMohammed Maaz Rehan
Sayreville, New Jersey

Graduating from Sayreville War Memorial High School in Sayreville, New Jersey, last May, Mohammed “Maaz” Rehan is now a freshman at New Jersey’s Kean University. He’s been involved with SADD for the past three years, serving most recently as the president of his local high school chapter – a chapter which is actively sponsored by DCH Auto Group and its employees. Maaz serves as part of the Emergency Medical Services personnel in his community and was declared “Cadet of the Year” in 2012.

While in high school, Maaz played varsity football and is proud to share that his team captured the Central Jersey State Champions title. He volunteers as a basketball coach for a local private school and recreation team. Maaz is actively involved with youth groups such as Muslim Youth of North America and Young Muslims, and in his spare time, his passions are music and dancing. Maaz believes SADD is a way of life because it embraces many beliefs about which he already feels strongly, and SADD allows him the opportunity to show others that young people can have fun being substance-free.

Miranda Deeds-RookstoolMiranda Deeds-Rookstool
Topeka, Kansas

Miranda Deeds-Rookstool is currently a senior at Highland Park High School in Topeka, Kansas. She has been very active in her school's SADD chapter since freshman year, serving as chapter president for the past three years. Miranda has participated in Red Ribbon week activities; Project Sticker Shock; implemented demonstrations utilizing the Fatal Vision® Goggles; and presented “Choices, A Day of Change” with the school’s theatre group, illustrating the dangers of destructive decisions.

In addition to her work with the high school chapter, Miranda was selected to the Kansas SADD Student Leadership Council (SLC) in 2009 and currently serves as the Council's president. In her position with the Kansas SADD SLC, Miranda assisted in creating a program called “Positive Charge,” a campaign to keep youth drug- and alcohol-free. In addition to her involvement with SADD, Miranda has worked for the Topeka RoadRunners hockey team, serving as junior equipment manager for the past three years.

Patrick SteppPatrick Stepp
Sheridan, Indiana

Patrick Stepp is a senior at Sheridan High School located in the small town of Sheridan, Indiana. He is the Student Advisor for his SADD chapter, which is celebrating its second-year anniversary this school year! Patrick is also involved with Indiana SADD, serving on its Student Leadership Council. Patrick is also a member of the Northern Hamilton County Prevention Coalition which sponsors high school SADD chapters all over Hamilton County.

Along with SADD, Patrick enjoys playing varsity soccer, serving as student council president, and participating in the debate team!

Patrick believes that SADD isn’t just an experience; it’s a lifestyle.



Deanna BoucherDeanna Boucher
Student of the Year Emeritus

Lowell, Massachusetts

Deanna Boucher of Lowell, Massachusetts, served as the 2011-2012 SADD National Student of the Year and now helps guide the current council as its Youth Advisor. Deanna is a sophomore at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and she is currently on track to change her major to Public Relations or Arts Management.

Deanna held leadership positions in her high school SADD chapter, served on the Massachusetts SADD Student Advisory Board (SAB) and as a member of the 2010-2011 SADD National Student Leadership Council. As Student of the Year, Deanna sat on the SADD National Board of Directors, shared the youth voice through media opportunities, and oversaw the 2011-2012 SADD National Student Leadership Council which planned and implemented the 2012 SADD National Conference in Torrance, California.

During summer 2012, Deanna served as an intern at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in Washington, DC, where she worked primarily in the Impaired Driving Division.

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