U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Takes New Markets, New Jobs Export Tour to Los Angeles

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Secretary Gary Locke Addresses Small Business Owners at APBO about the Resources that the Government is Providing to Connect Small- and Medium-sized Businesses with Foreign Buyers,

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke traveled to Los Angeles, Calif., today for the second stop of the New Markets, New Jobs small business outreach tour.  Joined by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and USC Marshall School of Business Dean James G. Ellis, Locke discussed the importance of exports to America’s economic recovery and job creation, and the resources that the government is providing to connect local small- and medium-sized businesses with foreign buyers, especially those from the Asia-Pacific markets, in order to help them sell more overseas and hire more at home.  

Announced on the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s National Export Initiative, New Markets, New Jobs is a year-long, interagency, multi-city outreach campaign designed to proactively bring government services to businesses across the country that are interested in exporting.  The tour was launched in Minneapolis in February, and will continue on to New Orleans, Louisiana in April and Wilmington, Delaware in May.

Exports currently support more than 700,000 jobs in California, and businesses from the Los Angeles metropolitan region exported more than $50 billion worth of goods in 2009, making them the 3rd largest metro area exporter nationally. Goods exports from the Los Angeles-area ports rose 22 percent ($86.1 billion to $105.3 billion) from 2009 to 2010

To illustrate the power of expanding into new markets aboard, watch how exporting saved Rotec Industries.

See video
Read the transcript: 
Exporting: A Personal Tale

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