CMTC Medium-Large Manufacturers
CMTC Healthcare
CMTC Small Manufacturers
CMTC Defense Services
October 4-5th, 2012 - 2012 Southern California Energy Summit in Palm Springs
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October 5th, 2012 - Nationwide Manufacturing Day
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October 12th, 2012 - Fall Manufacturing Conference
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November 15th, 2012 - ExporTech Corporate Management Program
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Creating Solutions to Improve Organizational Performance

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CMTC is a non-profit consulting company whose mission is to create solutions for the improvement of our customers' performance by fostering innovation and sharing knowledge. Operating in three sectors, CMTC provides solutions to achieve growth and profitability for manufacturers, the sustainment and modernization of legacy parts for the defense industry and high operational performance for healthcare organizations.

  • Manufacturing Solutions

    CMTC offers manufacturing services and solutions for all types and sizes of industries. From small to large manufacturers you can choose from a variety of solutions to fit your needs. [...learn more]

  • Healthcare Solutions

    Our customized Lean Healthcare Programs and Talent Acquisition, On-Boarding and Retention Solutions are designed to deliver results, drive operational excellence, and create a positive impact on ROI. [...learn more]

  • Defense Solutions

    Defense Parts Direct®, a service of CMTC, provides parts for the sustainment, modernization, and upgrade of defense systems utilizing an integrated manufacturing network approach. [...learn more]

  • Made in CA Program

    Featured Manufacturer
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  • Growth Video

    Manufacturing Growth Solutions

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  • Additive Manufacturing

    Learn About Additive Manufacturing

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    Create Profitable Growth

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  • Benefits of Exporting

    The Benefits of Exporting

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