Secretary Clinton: Travel to New York for the United Nations 67th General Assembly

September 23, 2012 to October 1, 2012


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to New York City to attend the United Nations 67th General Assembly. While in New York, Secretary Clinton conducted a number of bilateral and multilateral meetings with her counterparts. More on UNGA»

10/01/2012 Remarks at the Forum on Small States Opening Session
09/28/2012 Background Briefing on an Announcement Regarding the Mujahedin-e Khalq
09/28/2012 Background Briefing: Readout of the Secretary's Meeting With Japanese Foreign Mininster Koichiro Gemba and Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan
09/28/2012 Remarks at the Ad Hoc Friends of the Syrian People Ministerial
09/28/2012 Background Briefing: Preview of the U.S.-GCC Strategic Cooperation Forum
09/28/2012 Remarks With Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba and Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan Before Their Meeting
09/28/2012 Remarks at G-8 Deauville Partnership With Arab Countries in Transition Foreign Ministers Meeting
09/27/2012 Background Briefing: Readout of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting
09/27/2012 Remarks at the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting
09/27/2012 Background Briefing: Readout on the United Nations Security Council P-5+1 Ministerial
09/27/2012 Background Briefing Previewing the Ad Hoc Ministerial Meeting on Syria
09/27/2012 Remarks at the Connecting the Americas 2022 Ministerial
09/27/2012 Background Briefing: Readout of the Secretary's Meeting With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi
09/27/2012 Remarks at Feed the Future: Partnering With Civil Society
09/27/2012 Remarks at Meeting With Central American Foreign Ministers
09/27/2012 Background Briefing: Previewing the Connecting the Americas 2022 Event
09/27/2012 Background Briefing: Previewing the Central American Ministerial
09/26/2012 Remarks at a UN Secretary General Summit on Somalia
09/26/2012 Remarks With Burmese President Thein Sein Before Their Meeting
09/26/2012 Background Briefing on Readout of the G8 New Alliance Event and Preview of the Secretary's Participation in the Feed the Future: Partnering With Civil Society Event
09/26/2012 Background Briefing on the Secretary's Bilateral Meetings With Jordanian King Abdullah II and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
09/26/2012 Background Briefing on the Secretary's Meetings With Burmese President Thein Sein, Congolese President Joseph Kabila and Rwandan President Paul Kagame
09/26/2012 Remarks at the UN Security Council Session on Peace and Security in the Middle East
09/26/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
09/26/2012 Background Briefing Previewing the Haiti Partners Ministerial
09/26/2012 Remarks at the UN Secretary General Meeting on the Sahel
09/26/2012 Remarks to the UNAIDS Shared Responsibility Event
09/25/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Meetings With Iraqi Vice President al-Khuzai, Arab League Secretary General Elaraby, and Yemeni President Hadi
09/25/2012 Readout of the Secretary's Meetings With Belgian Foreign Minister Reynders, Greek Foreign Minister Avramopoulos, United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Hague, and the Transatlantic Dinner
09/25/2012 Remarks With League of Arab States Secretary General Nabil Elaraby at Memorandum of Understanding Signing
09/25/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Bilateral Meetings With Lebanese Prime Minister Miqati and UN Secretary General's Special Representative for Syria Brahimi
09/25/2012 Remarks at the Heads of State Luncheon
09/25/2012 Roundtable on Water Security
09/24/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Bilateral Meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi
09/24/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Bilateral Meetings
09/24/2012 Remarks at the Equal Futures Partnership Launch
09/24/2012 Remarks With Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf Before Their Meeting
09/24/2012 Remarks at the Launch of the Department of State's Global Philanthropy Working Group
09/24/2012 Remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative
09/24/2012 Previewing the Equal Futures Partnership Launch
09/21/2012 U.S. Goals and Priorities for the 67th United Nations General Assembly
09/18/2012 UNGA 67 and U.S. Multilateral Priorities

Press Releases
10/01/2012 The Deauville Partnership With Arab Countries in Transition Chair's Summary of the Foreign Ministers Meeting
10/01/2012 Joint Communique From the Second Ministerial Meeting for the U.S.-GCC Strategic Cooperation Forum
09/28/2012 U.S. To Boost Support for Middle Eastern and North African Countries in Recovering Proceeds of Corruption
09/28/2012 Secretary Clinton Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian Crisis
09/27/2012 Secretary Clinton and Colombian Foreign Minister Holguin Meet to Advance Connecting the Americas 2022
09/27/2012 Secretary Clinton Announces Pledge From Civil Society Partners to Invest Over One Billion Dollars in Food Security
09/25/2012 Secretary Clinton's Meeting With League of Arab States Secretary General Nabil Elaraby
09/25/2012 Secretary Clinton Calls for Cooperation on Shared Waters
09/25/2012 U.S. Reaction to the Dutch Government's Pledge as part of the Equal Futures Partnership
09/24/2012 Secretary Clinton Announces Launch of the U.S.-Pakistan Women's Council
09/21/2012 Selection of the First U.S. Youth Observer at the United Nations General Assembly
09/21/2012 Community of Democracies Meetings at UN General Assembly To Address Key Issues Related to Emerging Democracies and Civil Society

Related Information
General Assembly of the United Nations

Secretary's Schedule
Public Schedule for September 28, 2012
Public Schedule for September 27, 2012
Public Schedule for September 26, 2012
Public Schedule for September 25, 2012
Public Schedule for September 24, 2012
Public Schedule for September 23, 2012

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