NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Applications of Parallel Computers

February 16, 2012


Spring 2012

Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30-11:00 Pacific Time

Applications of Parallel Computers, CS267, is a graduate-level course offered at the University of California, Berkeley. The course is being taught by UC Berkeley professor and LBNL Faculty Scientist Jim Demmel.

CS267 is broadcast live over the internet and all NERSC users are invited to monitor the broadcast course, but course credit is available only to student registered for the course through the University of California. Please do not attempt to solicit help from the lecturers or graduate assistants. You may post questions and answers in the comments section of the Discussion page on this site (see link in navigation column at left.)

Course Web Site

Course material, including links to the live broadcast stream and archived videos and lectures, is available at  the course web site:

Video Archive

Class lectures are archived on YouTube.

Scheduled Lectures

See the course syllabus.

Performance and Debugging Tools Presentation

NERSC Hopper Training, Feb. 7-8, 2011


Performance Analysis

Using the CrayPat Performance Tool

Using the DDT Debugger at NERSC


  • PerformanceTools.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Harvey Wasserman and Woo-Sun Yang, NERSC Hopper Training, Feb. 7-8, 2011
  • HPCTools.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Richard Gerber, UC-Berkeley CS267, Feb. 15, 2011
  • HPCAppPerf2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    David Skinner, UC-Berkeley CS267, Feb. 15, 2011
  • HPCTools-Gerber.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Debugging and Programming Tools, UC Berkeley CS267 Lecture, Feb. 16, 2012
  • HPCAppPerf2012CS267.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file