NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


  DOE Update

Download File: Helland-DOE.ppt | ppt | 788 KB

  NERSC Status and Five Year Plan 2006-2010

Download File: KramerStatusUpdate.ppt | ppt | 2.6 MB

  NERSC Metrics

Download File: CarterMetrics.ppt | ppt | 839 KB

  NERSC Global Filesystem Future Directions

Download File: AndrewsNGF.ppt | ppt | 469 KB

  Benchmarking and System Architecture Updates

Download File: NERSCbenchNUGfinal.pdf | pdf | 14 MB
Download File: NERSCbenchNUGfinal.ppt | ppt | 7.1 MB

  NERSC-5 Procurement Update

Download File: NERSCupdatekramer.ppt | ppt | 6.2 MB

  The Fusion Program and ITER

Download File: Hawryluk.ppt | ppt | 31 MB
Download File: Hawryluk.pdf | pdf | 2.4 MB

  Experiences benchmarking GTC on High Performance Computers

Download File: ethiertalk.pdf | pdf | 652 KB

  Experiences Configuring, Debugging, Validating and Running on Bassi

Download File: BassiExperiences.ppt | ppt | 1.8 MB

Visualization using AVS/Express and VisIt