NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NIM Guide for PIs and Project Managers

NERSC Allocations

Allocations are made to project accounts which are called repositories (repos). Every year Principal Investigators or their designated PI Proxies, apply for funding for both existing and new repositories. For information on the allocations process, see the ERCAP Allocation Request Form

The PI or PI Proxy may designate Project Managers who help to administer the project. PIs, PI Proxies and Project Managers can request user additions to and deletions from their repositories using the NIM web interface.

Check Account Usage

Check a User's Account Usage

To look up a user's account usage:

  1. Select Login Name from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage.
  2. Type in the login name and click Go.

View MPP Charges and Usage by Users in a Repository

To view the MPP charges by users in a repository:

  1. Select Repository from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage.
  2. Type the MPP repository name in the box, and click Go.
  3. Then click the MPP Usage & Quotas tab.

View HPSS Charges and Usage by Users

To view the HPSS charges by users:

  1. Select Repository from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage.
  2. Type the HPSS repository name in the box, and click Go.
  3. Then click the HPSS Usage & Quotas tab.

Change a User's Quota (or Repo User Percentage)

To change the user quota (the percentage of a repository's allocation that a Login Name is allowed to use):

  1. Select Repository from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage.
  2. Type the repository name in the box, and click Go.
  3. Click one of the MPP Usage & Quotas or HPSS Usage & Quotas tabs.
  4. In the area under the tabs, click the Edit user percentages link.
  5. In the resulting page, adjust the numbers in the boxes in the % Allowed column.
  6. Click the Save All Rows button.

Add a user to a repository

To add a user to a repository:

  1. Select Add/Revive User from the Actions pull down in the NIM main menu.
  2. This brings up a dialogue box in the upper right frame. Enter the user's last name in the box.
  3. If NERSC users with similar last names are found they will be listed in the bottom frame. If the user you want to add appears in this list, click on the Add this user to repo or Revive this user link to add them to your repo(s). Otherwise, if the user does not yet exist at NERSC, click the Add new person to NIM link at the bottom of the list.
  4. Once you enter the data for the new account, it will go into a pending status until we review and approve it.
  5. Upon approval, the user will be sent an email from containing a Welcome Letter and providing them with instructions to sign and provide us a Computer Use Policy form.
  6. Once we receive the form, we will associate it with the user's account which will then be activated. The user will then receive another email containing a link that will allow them to set their initial password.

Delete a user from a project

To delete a user from a project:

  1. Select Repository from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpageu.
  2. Type one of the project's repository names in the box, and click Go.
  3. Click the User Roles & Contact Info tab.
  4. In the area under the tabs, click the Update link.
  5. An updatable list of repository users will appear. Find the row for the user you wish to delete. In the Role column, change the user's role to Deleted.
  6. Click the Save All Rows button.

Change a User's Project Role

To change a user's role in a project:

  1. Select Repository from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage
  2. Type one of the project's repository names in the box, and click Go.
  3. Click the User Roles & Contact Info tab.
  4. In the area under the tabs, click the Update link.
  5. An updatable list of repository users will appear. In the Role column, change the user's role to one of PI Proxy, Project Manager, User, or Deleted.
  6. Click the Save All Rows button.

Update a User's Contact Information

Please make sure that the contact information for all of your users is kept up-to-date. To update a user's contact information:

  1. Select Login Name from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage.
  2. Type in the login name and click Go.
  3. Click the Contact Info tab.
  4. In the area under the tabs, click the Update link.
  5. Make updates as necessary.
  6. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Add a user to a Unix file group

To add a user to a Unix file group:

  1. Select People/Logins from the Search menu.
  2. This brings up a dialogue box in the upper portion of the webpage. Enter the user's last name in the box.
  3. If NERSC users with similar last names are found they will be listed in the bottom frame. Find the user you want to add and click on his/her name.
  4. Click on the tab Unix Groups for that user. At the top of the page, you will find a link "Add this user to another Unix group." Click on this link.
  5. Choose filegroup, and click Save.

Transfer Resources

To transfer resources from a repository you administer to another repository, select Transfer Resources from the Actions menu.

Set your User List for the next allocation year

This interface is only available in the month or so before the new allocation year starts. To review and set user statuses for the next allocation year:

  1. For each project that is continuing into the next allocation year, enter its repository name from the pull-down menu in the "Quick Search" line at the top right corner of the NIM webpage and click the Go button. Your project information will be displayed in the bottom frame.
  2. Click on the "User Status by Repo" tab. Under your project name you will see two Format options. Click on "Update". Review and if necessary, change the settings in the "Status for next FY" column. Click the Save All Rows button located at the bottom of this frame to save your changes.

Please keep in mind that for security reasons only active users should keep their accounts.