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Federal Reserve System Examiner Education Course Catalog
Letter from the Manager

The Federal Reserve System's training program for assistant examiners is set forth in the Examiner Commissioning Program.  Assistant examiners choose from one of three specialty areas (safety and soundness, consumer affairs, or information technology).  The assistant examiner is eligible to be considered for commissioning after completion of three levels of course work, including passing two proficiency examinations and demonstrating job-related proficiency to the satisfaction of their Reserve Bank management.

The program provides significant training on internal controls, information technology, risk management, risk-focused examination techniques, and integrated supervision concepts.  In addition, the curriculum is designed to enhance the individual's analytical, critical-thinking, and decision making skills.

The course descriptions linked below outline course content and learning objectives for each course.  Many courses contain precourse work, which must be completed by the participant before the first day of class.

To some extent, the courses and descriptions will vary from year to year.  Please feel free to contact me with questions.

Bert Cieslak
Manager, Staff Development

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General Information
Who May Attend?
  • Programs are open to banking supervision staff of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Examiners and staff members from State agencies, foreign central banks, and other regulatory agencies are accommodated on a space available basis.
Registration Procedures
  • Each class has a limited number of seats.
  • When a class reaches maximum capacity, additional registrants are placed on the wait list and will be notified when and if their status changes.
  • Classes are subject to cancellation in the event of insufficient registrations.
  • Non-System participants may be subject to an enrollment fee for offerings hosted by the S&R Technology Lab in Chicago.
  • All reservations for non-System participants are on a first-come, first-served basis and will only be considered after System staff requests have been filled.
  • Registration requests sent via e-mail should include full contact information (name, address, telephone, and e-mail address) for all registrants and the point of contact for the request.
  • Registrations will be confirmed via e-mail.

Please use the list below to determine the appropriate registration contact:

  • Participants from Federal Reserve Banks should contact the Training Coordinator at their Reserve Bank.
  • US state agencies responsible for financial regulations should contact the Training Coordinator at the Reserve Bank in their District.
  • Participants from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System should contact the Curriculum Analyst for the course at the Board of Governors.  Board staff can obtain contact information from the Staff Development intranet site.
  • Participants from US federal financial regulators such as FDIC, OCC, and NCUA should contact Bert Cieslak at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors at (202) 973-5072 or
  • Participants from any other US federal agency with financial regulatory responsibilities contact Bert Cieslak at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors at (202) 973-5072 or
  • Participants from foreign central banks and non-US supervisory authorities contact the Officer in charge of International Training and Assistance at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:
    Sarkis Yoghourtdjian
    Assistant Director
    Federal Reserve Board of Governors
    +1 202 452 3193
  • Courses hosted by the S&R Technology Lab in Chicago may include a tuition fee.
  • FFIEC and Options Institute programs have tuition fees.  Current tuition charges are available by contacting LaVerne Hawkins at (202) 973-5084.
  • Certain class sites require participants to make their own hotel arrangements.
Precourse Materials
  • Precourse materials for System programs will generally be sent to participants approximately six to eight weeks prior to the class.
  • FFIEC and other agency schools' precourse materials will be sent to participants approximately 45 days prior to the session.
  • The agency of each participant is responsible for ensuring that its participants have satisfactorily completed all precourse work in a timely manner.
  • In addition to precourse work, some courses have proficiency checks which must be completed and forwarded to the Reserve Bank Training Coordinator prior to attending the course.
Dress Code
  • The dress code at the System Examiner Training Center in Washington, D.C., is business casual attire.
  • The dress code when attending System schools at other locations varies and is outlined in the participant letter sent to each student prior to attending a System school.
  • The dress code at the L. William Seidman Center is as follows:
    • Comfortable attire appropriate for a business environment
    • Coat and tie are not required.
    • Tennis shoes, t-shirts, blue jeans, and shorts should not be worn.

Call or write:

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation
Manager, System Examiner Education Program - M/S 1802
Washington, D.C. 20551-0001
Telephone:  (202) 973-5072
FAX:  (202) 973-5062
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Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credits

The courses listed below qualify for CPE credit hours, per the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) standard for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs.  The number of CPE credits earned by successful completion of a course is provided in the list below.

With the exception of programs for which it is not possible, certificates are distributed at the end of the class by the host bank.

All complaints regarding CPE courses offered by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System / Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation should be addressed to the NASBA CPE Coordinator.  Currently, this is:

Lynn Soltis, Senior Curriculum Analyst
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation
20th and C Streets, NW, Mail Stop 1802
Washington, D.C.  20551
Phone:  (202) 973-5067
Fax:  (202) 872-4974

The complaint will be investigated and a response returned to the complainant within fifteen business days.

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.  State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.  This sponsorship allows System Staff Development (SSD) to issue CPE credits for assessed group-live (instructor-led) System courses.  Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417, Web site:

The following list outlines the courses assessed and the number of CPE credits that will be offered for each assessed course, in the following categories:  Accounting and Auditing, Consulting Services, Management, Personal Development, Specialized Knowledge and Applications, and Taxation.

NASBA CPE Credit Assessments
(As of January 27, 2011)
ALM Model Hands-On Lab (S&R Technology Lab)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  28 credits
  • Total:  28 credits
Bank Management (BankMan)
  • Accounting and auditing:  4 credits
  • Communications:  2 credits
  • Business Management & Organization:  10 credits
  • Management Advisory Services:  5 credits
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  32 credits
  • Total:  53 credits
Banking and Supervision Elements (BaSE)
  • Accounting and auditing:  12 credits
  • Business Management & Organization:  1 credit
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  20 credits
  • Total:  33 credits
Basel II: Operational Risk
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  23 credits
  • Total:  23 credits
Basel II: Retail Activities
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  21 credits
  • Total:  21 credits
Basel II: Wholesale Activities
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  27 credits
  • Total:  27 credits
BSA/AML Model Hands-On Lab (S&R Technology Lab)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  28 credits
  • Total:  28 credits
Commercial Lending Essentials for CA Examiners (CLECA)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  31 credits
  • Total:  31 credits
Community Reinvestment Act Examination Techniques (CRA)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  31 credits
  • Total:  31 credits
Credit Risk Analysis School (CRAS)
  • Accounting and auditing:  14 credits
  • Business Management & Organization:  3 credits
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  54 credits
  • Total:  71 credits
Delivering and Supporting Supervisory Messages (DSSM)
  • Specialized Knowledge and Applications:  16 credits
  • Total:  16 credits
E-Banking Systems Hands-On (S&R Technology Lab)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  28 credits
  • Total:  28 credits
Examination Management (XMan)
  • Accounting and auditing:  9 credits
  • Communications:  3 credits
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  26 credits
  • Total:  38 credits
Fair Lending Examination Techniques (FLET)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  62 credits
  • Total:  62 credits
Financial Analysis and Risk Management (FARM)
  • Accounting and auditing:  68 credits
  • Total:  68 credits
Foreign Banking Organizations Seminar (FBO)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  27 credits
  • Total:  27 credits
Fundamentals of Fraud
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  10 credits
  • Total:  10 credits
Introduction to Consumer Compliance Examinations (CA I)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  58 credits
  • Total:  58 credits
Leadership and Influence
  • Communications:  27 credits
  • Total:  27 credits
Principles of Asset Liability Management (PALM)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  21 credits
  • Total:  21 credits
Principles of Fiduciary Supervision
  • Accounting and auditing:  1 credit
  • Taxation:  1 credit
  • Business Management & Organization:  1 credit
  • Management Advisory Services:  5 credits
  • Total:  8 credits
Principles of Insurance Risk Supervision
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  10 credits
  • Total:  10 credits
Real Estate Lending Examination Techniques (RELET)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  54 credits
  • Total:  54 credits
Real Estate Lending Seminar
  • Accounting and auditing:  3 credits
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  3 credits
  • Total:  6 credits
Senior Forum
    CPE credit assessments will vary based on topics covered in the session.
Team Dynamics and Negotiation
  • Communications:  1 credits
  • Business Management & Organization:  23 credits
  • Total:  24 credits
Trading Risk Management (TRM)
  • Specialized Knowledge & Applications:  35 credits
  • Total:  35 credits
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Last update:  November 16, 2011
Federal Reserve System Courses

Course descriptions are updated annually prior to registration for the following year's classes.

Last update:  August 10, 2011
Other Agency Courses
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