Commandant's Corner

Picture of Dr. Reynolds Welcome to the DISAM website! It’s my intent to provide a brief update on what’s going on at DISAM as I update this information every month. Full classes and curriculum advancements continue. DISAM recently published the 31st Edition of the “Greenbook” (DISAM alumni will recognize that as DISAM’s primary textbook). However, the name of the document has changed – it’s now titled “The Management of Security Cooperation” (Security Cooperation vice Security Assistance). The document is posted on our website – simply look it up under the publications tab. You can still view each chapter individually and note most recent updates made since the actual printing. We’re now in the process of updating for the next printing to incorporate and update all references to the new Security Assistance Management Manual (published at the end of April).
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Upcoming Courses

Shown below are all DISAM courses having start dates from today up to the end of the coming month. See the Class Schedule for a list of all upcoming courses.
1 - 12 OctSCM-MET
9 - 11 OctIPSR3
10 - 19 OctSCM-IO
15 - 19 OctSCM-IO
15 - 25 OctSCM-I-Financial
15 - 25 OctSCM-I-Logistics
15 - 25 OctSCM-I-Training
15 Oct - 8 NovSCM-O
15 - 19 OctSCM-AO
22 - 25 OctSCM-IF
22 - 25 OctSCM-IL
22 - 25 OctSCM-IT
29 Oct - 2 NovSCM-C
29 Oct - 9 NovSCM-MET
30 Oct - 1 NovIPSR3
5 - 9 NovSCM-CM
5 - 9 NovSCM-E