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Quality of Information


In order to ensure the quality, objectivity, utility and objectivity of information, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has established procedures to allow members of the public to seek and obtain correction of information it disseminates. We in APHIS have done this in accordance with Section 515 of Public Law 106-554, codified at 44 U.S.C. 3516, and in accordance with USDA’s Quality of Information Guidelines available at: http://www.ocio.usda.gov/qi_guide/index.html.

Information to be Submitted with a Request for Correction


To seek a correction of information, please submit a written request as follows:

• State that your request for correction of information is submitted under Section 515 of Public Law 106-554 or under USDA's Information Quality Guidelines.

• Include your name, mailing address, fax number (or e-mail address), telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any.

• Clearly describe the information you believe to be in error and want corrected. Include the name of APHIS’ publication, report or information product, the date of its issuance, and a detailed description of the information you feel should be corrected.

• State in detail why you feel the information should be corrected and, if possible, recommend specifically how it should be corrected. Please clarify which USDA Information Quality Guidelines were not followed or were not sufficient. Provide documentary evidence, such as comparable data, which will help in our review.

• Explain how you use the information and how you have been harmed by the alleged error.

We do not intend this guidance to be a set of legally binding requirements. However, we may be unable to meet your request in a timely fashion, or at all, if you omit one or more of these elements. We do not intend to imply that, as an individual, you have any rights to request amendment of your own records beyond those permitted by the Privacy Act of 1974 or other organization specific laws.

Where to Submit a Formal Request for Correction


Please submit your request for correction of APHIS information by letter, fax, or email to:

Natalie A. Roberts, Ph.D.
Quality of Information Officer
USDA/APHIS/Policy and Program Development, Unit 120
Riverdale, MD 20737
FAX: 301 734-5899
EMAIL: natalie.a.roberts@usda.gov

Agency Review of Requests


Based on its review of the information you provide, APHIS will:

• Determine whether a correction is warranted and, if so, what action to take. The nature, influence, and timeliness of the information involved, the significance of the correction, and the magnitude of the effort will be considered in deciding the level of review and any corrective action.

• Respond to you by letter, e-mail, or fax within 20 working days. Our response will explain the findings of the review and the actions we will take. If your request will require more than 20 working days to resolve, we will state the reason for the additional time and provide an estimated decision date.

• Inform you of your appeal rights and the appeal process, if your request will not be met.
We are continually seeking to improve our Quality of Information Guidelines. Please submit comments and suggestions about these guidelines to: Natalie A. Roberts, Ph.D., Quality of Information Officer.

Public Disclosure of Requests for Correction of Information Disseminated by APHIS and Requests for Reconsideration of Decisions


No Requests for Reconsideration of APHIS Decisions have been received from October 2002 through present.

Privacy Act Statement
USDA is authorized to obtain certain information under Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law No. 106-554, codified at 44 U.S.C. 3516, note). Information is needed by USDA to process the request for correction and allow USDA to reply accordingly. This information is needed by USDA to respond to the requestor and initiate follow-up contact with the requestor if required. Requestors should not send USDA their Social Security Number. Requestors are advised that they do not have to furnish the information but failure to do so may prevent their request from being processed. The information requestors furnish is almost never used for any purpose other than to process and respond to their request. However, USDA may disclose information to a congressional office in response to an inquiry made on behalf of the requestor, to the Department of Justice, a court, other tribunal when the information is relevant and necessary to litigation, or to a contractor or another Federal agency to help accomplish a function related to this process.